Very Excellent Habits

A Few Things You May Have Been Wondering About…

Last week, I opened up the blog for question time. Sometimes people have a burning question and they’re too shy to ask so I like to open the floor up. Here’s my answers. It’s a bit of a mixed bag – there’s stuff about hair, careers, books, relationships. Enjoy!

When will the podcast return? 

It’s usually a three week break so end of August most likely!

I know you’ve spoken about how you’ve gotten to where you are before, but as a writer and communications person I’ve considered going freelance but am not sure how to build the networks. How did you manage to build your networks that bring in your work?

For me, it’s all about the blog and being mates with other bloggers. It’s also about putting yourself out there. I ask other freelance writers who they write for, who’s good to write for and who’s looking for writers. I’m also extremely professional. I never miss deadlines and I make sure my work is always top notch and that leads to referrals. It’s hard work but it’s all about the hustle when it comes to freelance writing. The blog is a big help as well. They like seeing that a potential writer for their publication has the discipline to self publish several times a week for a decade. I’d start with following lots of freelance writers online, making connections with them, maybe doing a course just to get in front of people and sending out 3 emails a week to publications asking if they accept freelance articles.

A couple of times you’ve casually mentioned that you might be moving to Copenhagen next year – whaaat? Can you tell us more about this? Very exciting!

No news on that yet but it’s still in the pipeline! I’ll keep you all posted.

My question is…can you tell us more about your move out of teaching? I have just left my position due to stress issues. I am doing studies in Special Ed while having a sabbatical, but I am not keen to return to fulltime classroom teaching. Do you think you will ever work as a teacher again, or is that something you are keen to leave in the past?

I’d never say never but it’s not something I can see myself actively pursuing. I have a good relationship with a few schools and I’ve been offered some part-time positions but I’ve had enough work that I haven’t needed to do that. I really loved teaching and sometimes I miss it but freedom is more important to me. If I could teach my students from a beach in Italy, I’d totally do that but I can’t so I do this instead.

How would you feel if you woke up one morning and your hair was no longer curly?

Honestly? I wouldn’t be thrilled. I’d deal with it but big, scrappy hair is my thing. Sometimes it decides to go all flat and wavy for a few years and I don’t love that. Can’t do much about it because it has a life of it’s own but if I had my way I’d go back to when I was about 20 and my hair peaked and it was like a Diana Ross afro. My hair is still pretty rad now but it was freaking awesome back then. I’d been in London for a month and my hair LOVES the hard water. I can’t ever see it going fully straight though – I feel like if I was going to ‘grow out’ of my curls it would have happened by now. When it has its flat years, I grow it long and wear it in scrappy up-dos. If it went fully straight, I’d probably end up doing a mild Amy Winehouse thang. My hair has to be big no matter what.

What true crime books would you recommend I read next? (just finished the stranger beside me and a mother’s reckoning)

Anything by Paul B Kidd. We Need To Talk About Kevin, not true crime but a bloody good read. 19 Minutes by Jodi Piccoult is similar to Kevin. I’m half way through Devil In The White City which I’m really liking. I also read Dexter Darkly Dreaming (fiction) and that was a fun romp. I also thoroughly enjoyed Little Big Lies. Joe Cinque’s Consolation is also good but probably only if you live or are from Canberra.

Super random question but this intrigues me about people … are you still friends (like good friends not just FB friends) with someone you went to school with? Primary or high school.
Only one, really. My best mate from primary school, Lauren. We’ve been mates since we were 9 years old and I see her nearly every time I’m in Canberra and I was a bridesmaid at her wedding. We’ll be in each other’s lives forever though, we’re just connected like that. We knew when we were kids we’d be forever friends. As for high school, I certainly have close friends from high school but none that I hang out with every week. My closest friends are the ones I did theatre with when I was a teenager. They’re my people. My close circle of friends all went to school with each other but not with me, they’re also all older than me. Mr Smaggle is though, his closest four mates all went to school with him and they’re still his closest mates now.
How old are you?
I’m not shy about my age and I mention it in the podcast but I make a point not to make my age google-able. A girl’s gotta keep a little bit of mystery.
What’s your favourite colour?
GREAT questions. To wear, I like bold prints or charcoal grey. I’m quite drawn to yellow in general though. A real Wes Anderson, mustardy yellow.
How did you meet ‘straight’ (Kelly)?
Online! We basically internet stalked each other because we were writing in the same space and became mates and then started the podcast. She’s very ace. Our personalities mesh very well.
What do you eat in an average week now with your LCHF routine?
I don’t technically do LCHF, I just eat a plant based diet with some added good fats. So I’ll have an omelette for breakfast, chicken and avocado salad for lunch and some kind of protein and vegetables cooked in fat for dinner. I try to stop eating after 8pm and that’s doing wonders for me at the moment. I tried the traditional LCHF but there’s a lot of dairy in it and that doesn’t agree with me. I’ll have a few glasses of wine one day a week as well.
I am going to Bali for the first time in September and staying in Ubud. Any recommendations for must do, see or eat?
Go to the Ubud Monkey Forrest but hold on to your bag! Most of the restaurants are great but we loved this place called Clear with a big swinging boulder style door. They have really healthy food and cheap of kombucha. We went there several times and it was great.
Here’s my question, which I have thought would make a good S&C topic… how do you deal with being child free in a very pro child society?
Backstory – my husband and I went through two unsuccessful rounds of IUI and decided it to go any farther. For physical health reasons, mental health reasons, financial reasons, etc. We are happy with the choice we made. But today’s society makes the ‘mom life’ movement a big thing. If you just wanted to complain about your kids, why’d you have them?? But of course as a person without kids, I can’t dare say that.
Do you find this in Australia also? How do you deal with it?
This is a great topic for S&C. I have to say, I don’t find it that big a deal. Most of my mates and cousins have kids but I’ve got child-free relatives on both sides of my family and in Mr Smaggle’s family which I’m very grateful for because that’s set a great precedent for child-having being a choice rather than an expectation. I’m still in that age group where I could have kids if I choose to so I don’t know if it will be different when it’s more obvious that I’ve chosen not to have kids (which I haven’t – I’m still undecided). I also really love kids and I’m thoroughly enjoying being a part of all these new families popping up around me. I do wonder if it’s a cultural thing though. We’ll add this to the list of S&C topics!
You must have answered this one hundreds of times…what is your hair care routine?
Yes! But it changes all the time. My routine now is I wash with Moo Goo shampoo, VERY lightly condition (my hair goes all soft and limp if I condition too much) and I use sulphate and silicon free products on it. A tiny pump of Dr Bronner’s hair creme in the ends of my hair and a spray with home made sea salt spray when it’s wet. Then I twist it into curls, pin up the roots and let it dry. Then every night before bed I lightly dampen my hair, pin up my roots and sleep with the pins in. Then in the morning I let it out and I get fantastic volume. My hair likes less product, rather than more. I’ll do a video on it soon next time I have my camera set up!
What three things would you put into Room 101? IE what three things is there just no positive room for, or use for, in this world.
Oh I love this question. I haven’t seen the show though but I’ll give it a go. Discrimination of any kind. Trump. Pinot noir. It’s such a stupid wine. Be proper red wine or be white wine. I have no use for weak red wine you can see through.
If you have any more questions ask away! Oh and also if you’re a fan of Sweet Teen Club, there’s a brand new episode all ready for your ears. You’re welcome!

If you have any other questions, go for it! The forum is still open on questions…

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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