Very Excellent Habits

3 Things I’ve Tried That Totally Sucked


never not recommend things to people. I often recommend things – like movies, foods, wines, books, TV shows – because they’re awesome and I want my mates to experience them. If I discover something terrible though, I rarely talk about. I kind of go ‘Oh that sucked.’ and never think about it again. So today I decided to write about a few things I’ve tried, that sucked.

Bullet journalling

Everyone went mental for bullet journalling in the last few months and I lasted one day doing it. I just couldn’t cope with re-writing everything everyday. I couldn’t remember the symbols and I felt like a giant failure at the end of the day for not getting everything done. It was a disaster. I know a lot people have had great success with bullet journalling, but it’s not for me.


Juicing is not the same as green smoothies. I fully support green smoothies because you’re using the whole vegetable or fruit there by getting all the nutrients and not wasting any produce. I juiced for a month a few years ago and gained 4 kilos and wasted bags and bags of vegetable pulp that I couldn’t do anything with. All the research shows that you’re far better off just eating what you juice. Even though green smoothies are better than juicing, it’s still better to eat rather than drink your greens. Having said that, it’s notoriously difficult to get your greens in for breakfast so you’re better off drinking your greens than not having them at all. But juicing? It’s so voted off the Smaggle island.


Meditation makes me very sleepy, so I can’t do it during the day otherwise I just want to curl up into a ball and snooze for a century. I do find meditation very helpful for getting to sleep if I’m struggling but if I need to focus when my energy has flagged during the day. I’m much better off going for a 20-minute jog than meditating. It honestly makes me feel stoned.

This week on Straight and Curly, Kelly and I talking about things we’ve tired that we’ve hated. We’d love to hear about anything you’ve tried and hated. You can join our Facebook group here and you can listen to this week’s episode on iTunes or here in this post!

On Sweet Teen Club this week and Stacey and I talking about Friends. Well, I’m talking about Friends… Stacey kind of just nods and smiles and says ‘Who’s Ross again?’

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So tell me… have you ever tried something you’ve totally hated? What’s the one thing you wouldn’t recommend to a friend?


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P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.

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