Very Excellent Habits

5 Things I Know For Sure

Smiling girl with vintage camera taking photo with flash on brick wall background


‘m in the process of selling my old laptop so I’m going through the motions of cleaning the damn thing out. Which means laughing at the hilarity of what weird stuff I booked marked on the internet 7 years ago. There was a LOT of safety pin craft. It’s quite scary actually. Anyway I came across an article I book marked by Oprah. The famous Things I Know For Sure article. It’s actually a very lovely read and although I’ve done a few similar posts like this over the years, it’s always to solidify your beliefs my writing them down. Here are 5 things I know for sure…

1. You must always be kind

It doesn’t matter if your work mate is crying for 6th time this week or the person serving you coffee is working at the speed of a glacier or your friend’s mother has been chewing your ear off on the phone for an hour. You don’t have to be a door mat but you do have to be kind. People won’t remember you, they will only remember the way you made them feel.

2. It’s better to be over dressed than under dressed

Diamonds are never inappropriate. Jeans often are.

3. It’s important to eat greens and exercise (almost) everyday

If I’m feeling a bit yuck it’s usually because I’ve been sitting on my heiny and eating too many white things. Honestly in my world, there aren’t many ‘blah’ days that can’t be cured with a salad and a 30 minute jog.

4. Well behaved women seldom make history

You can’t please everyone. It’s impossible and boring. Be a badass, make bold statements, be a bit cheeky. No one will ever remember you for that time that you followed all the rules.

5. You are the captain of your own boat

And you must never surrender the steering wheel. Sometimes the water gets choppy and sometimes you have to sail all night but when times get tough just remember… you’re on a boat. 

What do you know for sure?

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