Very Excellent Habits

7 Things Grown Ups Should Know


pride on myself on being pretty sensible. I’ve been a bridesmaid 5 times in my life and it’s not because I’m a sweet and loving person. It’s because I will make a wedding caterer cry if there’s no deep fried tofu sticks for the vegetarian cousins. I get shit done. Having said that there have been a few incidences in the past few years where I’ve been questioning my general competence. These things may or may not have happened to me… but they probably did. Here are 7 things grown ups should know. I had to write them down so I don’t forget.

1. Wet things like moisturiser should always be put in a plastic bag inside your suitcase. Unless you like that Monica Lewinsky look.
2. When things in your fridge go all wrinkly and brown you should throw them away and not stage a science experiment with your boyfriend to see exactly how small that carrot can get.
3. When on an overseas trip, try to figure out how to make your phone work so it costs less than $947 to send a text message
4. Saucepans never need to soak for three days. Even if you cooked cement, road kill or toffee in them.
5. Never sit in a bean bag. No one looks awesome, cool or sexy sitting in or getting up from sitting in a bean bag.
6. Don’t go to Ikea on a Sunday. It won’t be quick, it won’t be easy and every single person in the city you live in will be there with their grumpy children and slow walking parents. Go on Thursday night instead and treat yourself to some meatballs and a slice of that weird green cake.
7. A fourth glass of wine on a Tuesday night is never a good idea.

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Have you learnt any new things recently as a grown up that might have been a bit obvious? Care to share?


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P.S – Oh and don’t forget to follow me around on the inter webs – Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin, Instagram, YouTube and the Smaggle weekly newsletter. CYBER FRIENDS!!!

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