Very Excellent Habits

The Skeptic’s Guide To Getting Your Palm Read


efore my recent trip to Bali I’d never been to a fortune teller but strangely enough I actually know how to ‘read’ palms. I’m a child of the 90s so The Craft, Fiona Horne and Inner Harmony stores influenced most of my behavioural choices from 1997 until at least 2000.

Although I’m a firm believer in science and Dr Karl is the closest thing to a guru I’ll ever have, I still like to dip my toe in the Woo Woo pool from time to time. I’m not about to start performing spirit cleanses or anything but I meditate and tongue scrape, so I’d class myself as a dabbler in the holistic lifestyle space. I don’t believe in fortune telling or horoscopes though so this was a bit of a stretch for me but for those of you who are interested, here’s the skeptic’s guide to getting your palm read…

Take everything they say with a grain of salt…

He told me I was going to have five significant romantic loves and that I’d already had three of them and I have two left to go. He was totally off the mark on this one. If I had any significant loves before Mr Smaggle, I must have blinked and missed them. If he’s referring to any of my short lived early 20s flings he has extremely low standards. As for the remaining two loves… I’m sure Mr Smaggle can find room for Benedict Cumberbatch and Idris Elba in our bed.

…but still be inspired 

Total inaccuracy of my romantic life aside, he said I was one of the most naturally lucky people he’d ever met and I totally agree. He said I have no ‘inside scars’ and that people who are lucky have no obstacles. I don’t like the idea of cherry picking in fortune telling sessions but having a lucky life outlook can never be a bad thing.

Have a positive attitude about it

I’m a massive skeptic but I still had an absolute ball. When he held my hand and started murmuring weird things with his eyes closed, I didn’t roll my eyes and act like a tool about it. I embraced the experience because it was weird and awesome and something I’d never done before. He had really long nails that were painted sparkly orange and the room was hot and fragranced with incense. There were colourful umbrellas and water features on every available space on the floor and he had an adorable little daughter who played on the stairs with her pet hamster. Just because you don’t believe in reading fortunes doesn’t mean you can’t have an amazing experience.

Be supportive of believers 

I went with two of my mates and the session meant more to them than it meant to me, so I adjusted my language when we debriefed afterwards. I was still honest but it’s important to respect the experience of others. Just because I don’t believe that someone can read into my future by looking at my palm doesn’t mean I’m right. I’m probably right but there’s no way to prove it, hence there’s no reason to be a dick about it.

Enjoy the experience 

Take if for what it is, don’t over think it and be inspired if that’s where the experience takes you. Even if it’s not an exact science, it’s still a fun thing to do.

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Have you ever been to see a fortune teller? Do you believe in palm reading?


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