Before recording this episode, I knew almost nothing about tracking menstrual cycles. I’ve had a 28ish day cycle basically forever except when I was pregnant and breastfeeding of course and it’s been mostly regular except for a few times when I’ve been stressed out and skipped a period. I’ve never tracked my cycle outside of thinking myself ‘Oh I had my period at Steph’s party which was 3 weeks ago… so I’m due maybe next week?’. I’ve never been very plugged into my periods mainly because they’re painful, long and regular. Nothing to see here.
It never occurred to me how much more there was to learn about my period and menstrual cycles and when I started looking into I was horrified at how little I knew.
I discovered Lucy Peach just a few weeks ago when I asked my followers to recommend someone for this episode. If you’ve never heard of her, picture someone called Lucy Peach and that’s pretty much what you get.
She’s a funky musician from Western Australia who does musical period education. She’s also written a fab book called Period Queen that everyone needs to read.
On that note, this week’s friend guest is indeed Lucy Peach, the Period Queen.
In this episode, we chat about…
* Period shame and how we need to embrace our flows
* Period poverty and how important it is to talk about in the context of period tracking
* The Four Stages of the Menstrual Cycle – Dream, Do, Give and Take
* How to track your period for maximum productivity
* Normalising and de-stigmatizing periods
* Waste-free periods and getting used to getting up close and personal with our menstrual blood
* Welcoming and embracing our bleeds even if it’s a painful experience
So if you’ve been wanting to get in touch with your menstrual cycle and start working with your energy levels rather than against them, this episode is for you.
This episode comes with a bonus for Patreons – it’s a Period Tracker to print out so you can get started listening to your cycles and making adjustments for your life depending on what stage you’re in of your cycle.
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