Very Excellent Habits

The Awesome Source: Poachies, Hotties and Drinkies


y aunty once told me about her old boss and the unusual gift registry she had on her 50th birthday. She asked each of her friends to give her what they were currently into for a birthday present. For example a book they’d recently read, a TV series they were addicted to, a CD of their favourite songs, a voucher to a great new restaurant they’d discovered. It was such a great way to get to know her friends again and to discover new things she wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

It inspired me to start a segment of reader recommendations called The Awesome Source. I often run surveys to get more information on the Smagglets, like how old you are or if you have kids or not, but I also want to know what your obsessions are. So each month, I’m going to ask you for your top 3 recommendations from that month. It can be anything; a vegetable that’s been a staple in your weeknight dinners, a new workout that you’re loving or a fabulous app that’s changed your life. I’d love to hear about it!

Here are my top picks for August 2014.

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Wiltshire Poachies 


I absolutley SUCK at poaching at home and I’ve wasted many eggs trying, so when I saw these at Woolies a few months ago, I snapped them up and I’ve been addicted ever since. They keep your eggs contained so they don’t run everywhere and go all weird floating around like jelly blobs in water. I panicked last week when I realised that my local Woolies was running out of them and the manager said they might not be getting them back in, so I went bit cray and hit up Peters of Kensignton and bought a few packets there. I’ve been having my perfectly poached eggs on protein toast (from the Protein Bread Company – it’s THE BEST!!!) with my Nanny’s pickles. Pro tip: don’t tip the eggs straight from the bag onto your toast because that’s how wet toast happens. Tip them onto another plate first, then transfer on to toast. Winner.

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How To Train Your Dragon 


 I’m totally late to the party on this one but a friend recommended that I watch this and it’s absolutely adorable. One of the sweetest, funniest and most morally sound kids flick I’ve seen in ages. Hiccup and Toothless (the main characters) will make your heart do that little whirring funny thing that happens when you see something really, really cute. Perfect for parents who can’t handle any more viewings of Frozen in their house.

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Libra Hotties 

My mate gave me one of these last time she visited me in Melbourne and I’m seriously hooked. They don’t sell them at my local chemist or Woolies so I jumped online and bought a few boxes from Priceline. Without over sharing (who am I kidding? I LOVE over sharing!) I suffer from horrendous period pain. I have to deep breathe like a woman in the final stages of labour for at least 24 hours every time I get my period. Naprogesic sometimes helps and sometimes it doesn’t but heat has proven to be a fairly consistent soother of my monthly cramps. These little babies are brilliant, you just rip them open, slap them (gently) on your lower tummy and you’ve got a delicious little pocket of warmth for at least eight hours. I honestly don’t know why no one thought of these before.

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Eau De Vie

Melbourne Bonus: I visited Eau De Vie for the first time last week with a few mates after the launch of Nikki Parkinson’s new book Unlock Your Style and I have to say I quite loved it. It’s tucked away down the end of Flinders Lane behind a big grand door, it’s all very secretive like you’re a sexy spy on a mission to kill The Very Important Leader of The Evil People. They have all kinds of fancy cocktails and a very yummy wine list. It’s the type of place where my mother would order a fancy cocktail and then sit around proclaiming loudly ‘This place is VERY Melbourne.’ 

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Tell me… what are your top 3 recommendations from August 2014? A product? A restaurant? A television show? What made August rock for you? Do share so we can all try it out!

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