Very Excellent Habits

How To Tell Someone You Think They’re Totally Ace


hy is it so hard to tell people you think they’re awesome? I really, really struggle with this. I’m quite sarcastic so my compliments always come out like ‘Thanks for helping me last week… I mean you fucked EVERYTHING up but the sentiment was still theres so thanks… but also you’re the worst!’

It just feels so Degrassi High to me to be like ‘Thanks for your help. I really needed a friend.’ I’m feeling awkward even thinking about saying that to an actual person without immediately following it up with a fart joke.

If you’re super awkward like me but you still want to let people know they’re ace – here’s a few tips for you!

1. Say it behind their back

Gossip is nasty but the most efficient way to get information back to someone is to say it behind their back. If you have a person who you think is the bees knees, say it often. I did this just on the weekend. I was a telling a mate how smart and humble another one of our mates is. The first mate has the biggest mouth on the planet and what I said got back to our mutual mate immediately. The best part about this is hearing that someone is saying lovely things behind your back, so you know they really mean it. Total all over body glow moment right there.

2. Do them a really big favour

Spending money isn’t always a sign that someone thinks you’re awesome. When someone spends their time on you, that’s like a public declaration of never ending love. If someone you think is totally awesome asks you for a favour, do it. It’s a sure fire way to show them you care. If a mate of mine sends me flowers, that’s so awesome. If a mate of mine hand delivers me a fresh coffee in the afternoon with a hug? Best ever.

3. Be very specific with your words

As a word ‘awesome’ doesn’t really mean much. If you’re going to give a compliment, be specific. Really think about how your admired person makes you feel and why you love them so much…

‘I love the way you make everyone feel included.’

‘You have such a positive attitude – I just love being around you.’

‘You always know when I need to talk.’

Put the effort in to compliment people properly and they’ll really appreciate it.

4. Send them a thank you card

Thank you cards are a total pain in the butt. I know because I send them all the time. It’s the pain in the butt factor that makes them so lovely and valuable. It also makes people realise that you’re thinking of them and you appreciate them. Write thank you cards as often as you can. It’s very lovely to receive them in the post.

5. Recommend them for something

I always think the best compliment is when people recommend you for awesome things. Jobs, gigs, cool events. If you hear of an amazing opportunity and you’ve got the chance to recommend someone, pick your most awesome friend and thrust them forward. It’s the actual best compliment a person can pay another person.

Oh and also here are a few things that have happened this week.

– Mr Smaggle had surgery on his nose which has been about as much fun as it sounds. We were told he would be okay in a few days time and it’s been a week and he’s still sucking quite hard at life. This is why I’ve been a little quiet this week. Caring for a sick person is really hard work. Health is a blessing guys – don’t take it for granted. And for anyone who cares for someone ill often – please take some time to take for yourself. I would have gone batty with out my gym visits this week. Also, you’re my hero.

– I have Merry Chrochetmas Gift Cards available at Crochet Coach if you have anyone hounding you for your Christmas wish list this year. My Crochettes are the best people in the world. You have to join them. Also I’m working my butt off on a giant stitch library that’s launching next year. You want in on that. I promise!

– Another great thing this week is that Straight & Curly was selected as one of the iTunes best podcasts of 2016. I’m totally gobsmacked. There’s only ten in the list and they’re almost all produced by ABC, The Australian, The Guardian and SBS. We’re also in there with Casefile, one of my favourite true crime podcasts. It’s bizarre. If you listen to Straight & Curly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting us. It’s been an amazing year of recording and we can’t wait to get back in to it in 2017.

Any who, back to the main point of this post…

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Do you struggle to tell people they’re awesome? Or do you just blurt it right out and say it?


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P.S If you’re not convinced about the whole crochet thing yet I have a free lesson for you here! It’s the perfect thing for the holidays – you can even do it in the car!

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