Very Excellent Habits


Hmmm… I certainly am new to this whole ‘tagging’ business and lets hope I don’t screw it up.

Retro Meme

 The lovely Gervy from Gervorama has tagged me to play a retro meme. The rules are:

1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 keywords given below:

Family – A post about posing for photos and most of the advice is Smaggle born.

Friendship – This was when I styled a wedding for my dear friend Kate.

Self – South Park avatar that my mates Matt and Ged made of me. Frighteningly accurate.

Love – The only picture of Mr Smaggle on Smaggle Style. He is my love.

Anything – This is a post on Royal Style and it’s my most read post so I thought why not?

2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances so that you can get to know them each a little bit better.

3. Read the archived posts and leave comments if you’d like.

I tag the following bloggers Fashion Explorations, Flying Saucer, SixOclockstyle, Tagtraeumerin and The Coveted.

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