Very Excellent Habits

Super Food Beetroot Dip to Make You Glow Like You Just Had Sex.

Quite recently I bought a little bench top food processor, because I’m really lazy and I hate finely chopping food. I’m so lazy that when I eat carrots, I eat the whole damn thing like a horse, without cutting it into sticks, jamming that bad boy in my hommus like a boss. So I bought a food processor to aid in my new years resolution to not eat like a neanderthal.

I’m a total wannabe vegetarian (as in I love vegetables but I also love delicious and expensive organic meat) and as such I’m always looking for ways to eat copious amounts of vegetables without eating endless bowls of greens. I’m also funny about fat and sugar in my diet so store-bought dips usually aren’t my forte.

I’ve been experimenting and I’ve come up with a COMPLETELY guilt free dip that you can eat a whole bowl of and not have to buy jeans in the next size up. I’ve been eating this by the bucket load all week and I feel kind of amazing.

What You Need

A food processor

450gm can of whole baby beetroot (try to get low salt and sugar options but if this is an issue for you just boil your own fresh beetroot)

A bunch of coriander

3 Garlic cloves

1 teaspoon of cumin

Salt and Pepper to taste

2 tablespoons of non-fat natural yogurt

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

What You Do 

Throw all ingredients into your processor and blend that bitch!


Coriander chops best solo, so start with that and then add the rest. Also I have a teeny tiny food processor so I tend to blend in stages. If you have a giant mofo food processor, then go hard my friend. You can also skip the yogurt if you aren’t dairy friendly.

A Few Words About Beetroot and Coriander. 

They are two of the most underrated foods in the history of underrating foods. Coriander acts as a natural preservative which means this dip will keep for a few days in the fridge and in Iranian herbal medicine, coriander is administered to relieve anxiety and insomnia. Beetroot is just a purple ball of antioxidant awesomeness and it’s also a food that’s amazing for your blood which means increased protection against stroke and heart disease.

If you’re interest in going totally organic on this recipe visit’s How to Prepare Beetroot page.

If you liked this recipe and want more punch-in-the-face-healthy food ideas then do follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook.

Also, today’s featured image comes from the Raw Colour Exhibition. Swoon.




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