Very Excellent Habits

Why Don’t You…?

Why don’t you…

* Wear a high necked cream Victorian blouse with crisp black capris and ballet flats? Tie your hair on top of your head in a messy bun and spear it with crimson chopsticks?

* Present your hostess with perfect peach miniature roses? And clip faux peach roses to your kitten heels?

* Wear a sharp white collared shirt with an antique jewelled brooch?

* Daintily sip mineral water instead of champagne?

* Send a delicious thank you note spritzed with a floral scent? On thick white parchment and sealed with wax?

* Brush your eyes with a light copper shadow and dab some white liner on the inner corners? Perhaps give your regular black liner a rest?

In loving memory of Diana Vreeland…

Love Lady Smaggle


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