Very Excellent Habits

5 Ways To Stop Yourself From Eating Too Much Junk Food


s someone who writes in the wellness space, I have to be very careful about the type of language I use when describing food and eating habits. There’s a huge trend at the moment about not labelling food and I’m not sure it’s a very helpful movement. For example you can’t say a food is ‘bad’ because it gives people a complex about it and encourages disordered eating and guilt feelings about food. I can understand the rational behind this because some people do have disordered eating and we need to consider that but what I don’t understand is not being able to say ‘clean’ eating or eating ‘good’ foods because it implies that all other foods are bad. I wish I was joking about this but I’ve been pulled up for saying ‘clean’ eating several times. I think this is absolutely bonkers. I’m definitely against the demonising of food and attaching any kind of guilt associated with food but by saying a food is good, you’re not saying all other foods are bad. It’s also kind of impossible to eat well if you don’t know the difference between a nourishing food and a non-nourishing food. On that note, here are few tips on how to stop yourself from eating too much junk food and I’m calling it junk food on purpose. Delicious, completely empty calorie foods like lollies. We’re all grown ups, we know lollies are junk and we need to be aware that it is. You can eat junk food every now and then but not every day, so here are a few ways to keep your sneaky hands out of the office biscuit jar.

1. Don’t let it in your house

There are two types of healthy eaters in the world. Abstainers and moderators. Abstainers have little self control and need to abstain from eating non-nourishing foods because once they start eating junk, they find it hard to stop. Moderators are able to eat small amounts without too much trouble. I’m an abstainer 100% and being aware of this is half the battle. I never have one glass of wine, I’ll have three. So most nights it’s easier for me to not have any wine at all. You see how it works? Treat foods are only allowed in my house in single portion sizes and I avoid baking so I don’t have tempting food laying around the house. If you’re an abstainer, it’s best not to let that stuff in your house and stick to eating treats when you’re out for special dinners or outings.

2. Listen to your body

When I eat too much junk food, I feel like crap. Every single time. If you’ve over done it on junk food, pay attention to how you’re feeling and perhaps it will act as a deterrent next time you think it’s a great idea to eat a whole packet of Maltesers. Also, it’s totally fine to occasionally eat a whole packet of Maltesers – we’ve all done it – it’s obviously best not to do it every day.

3. Choose your calories wisely

Pick your favourite treat in the world – chocolate? Wine? Cheese? Now think of that food as the holy grail of calories and don’t waste treat moments on anything else. For example I love ice cream and wine and I feel very lukewarm about cake. This means I never eat cake (unless I’m at a wedding because I feel like it’s bad luck not to) so I can spend those treat calories on wine and ice cream, the stuff I really enjoy.

4. Chill out

If you’re trying to cut back on sugar, just calmly cut back on sugar. There’s no point in being really angry about not eating a biscuit for morning tea. Just take a deep breath, make a cup of tea and eat some celery sticks. It’s all a choice, so own it and do it.

5. Tell your friends to bugger off

Friends and family can be extremely unhelpful when you’re trying to eat well which is totally understandable because treat foods are always better when they’re shared. However if you’re trying to cut back on junk food, be strong and don’t go there. You can do it. Just don’t go there. Pretend like it’s not even an option.

This week on Straight and Curly, Kelly and I are discussing more food and dieting myths.

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How do you cope with cutting back on junk? Any fail safe tips for keeping your sneaky hands out of the biscuit jar?


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Also are you keen to learn to crochet? I have a beginners course launching really soon so make sure you sign up here so you don’t miss my reader discount offer.

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