Be your best self.

Spring Outfits – 5 Things You Need In Your Wardrobe Right Now

Spring Outfits – 5 Things You Need In Your Wardrobe Right Now
Carly Jacobs

Spring outfits are almost impossible to put together when you live in Melbourne. The weather changes every 5 minutes for a start which means you could be sweating in a singlet one minute and shivering in a jacket the next. And secondly it’s hayfever central so really the best option for everyone is an airtight, head to toe, plastic bag.

I don’t get the usual hayfever symptoms like itchy eyes and stuffy nose (which is great because you can’t take most hayfever tablets when you’re pregnant). I just get really tired and I sneeze a lot. It’s not fun. Having said that, I adore spring. The air is warm and scented, the pubs in my suburb start to fill up with afternoon beer drinkers and spring fruit and veggies (asparagus!) start popping up at the markets. It’s all very pleasant. Although I could deal with it not being quite so warm yet. Pregnancy has raised my body temperature so I’m feeling the heat more than usual… let the heat waves stay away until AFTER December okay?

spring outfits



Dress from Cotton On 

Shoes from Funkis

Cardigan from Anthropologie circa 2009

Here are a few things you need to complete all your spring outfits… full disclosure. I *WAS* wearing all the things listed below but Melbourne went all Melbourne on me and my scarf and hat ended up getting abandoned.

spring outfits

1. A non-sandal, warm weather shoe 

I find spring in Melbourne is a touch early to get my toes out. If I’m sitting outside at a cafe on a Saturday afternoon, I’m going to get cold REALLY quickly if my feet are uncovered. As a general rule, I tend to keep my tootsies tucked away until it gets really hot. These Funkis clogs are the best – I’m so glad I bought them. They’re super comfortable and I can just chuck them on quickly as I’m walking out the door.

2. An awesome, chuck-it-over-everything cardigan 

If you’re a dress wearer, get yourself a light, waterfall style cardigan. It’s super flattering at the back and adds a bit of interest at the front. Tigerlily have great lightweight ones for summer and spring that go well with solid basics. This is my favourite waterfall cardigan. I wear it all the time. 

3. A hat 

My hair looks like shit for most of spring because it’s just so damn windy. I tuck my hair up inside a man style trilby hat and I can arrive at my destination looking semi-put together. Remind me to do a video on how I tuck my hair into a hat to stop it being flat when I take the hat off again. It’s a whole thing.

spring outfits

4. A decent mid-length dress 

When it’s a touch too hot for tights but a touch too cold for short dresses, I always give my mid-length dresses a workout. I also stick to heavier materials for that extra bit of warmth. I’ve actually just recently finished crocheting two dresses but they’re way too open weave for spring. I’d freeze my ass off if I wore them now. The first 30-degree day though, they’re getting an outing, in the meantime, I’m giving this Cotton On dress a workout. It’s just heavy enough to provide a bit of protection from the spring wind but not too hot for when the sun peaks out for 5 minutes every afternoon. Note: This dress is usually knee-length but the baby belly is making it look like a mini dress!

5. A scarf 

I like a lightweight, slightly open weave cotton or linen scarf. I can tie it around my head for when my hair is being stupid, I can chuck it over my shoulders for sun protection and snuggle underneath it for little naps in cars or on planes. I’m rarely without a scarf or wrap. It’s a whole thing.

spring outfits

This outfit was worn for a busy Friday of client work, blog post writing, photography for Crochet Coach and so much pattern writing it feels like my head is going to explode. I can’t explain how consuming it is to write crochet patterns for my designs. I need to make sure every stitch is explained perfectly because if I do a sloppy job, I can cost my students a lot of time and money. Luckily I’m a details kind of gal but it still requires the use of the hardcore mathematical part of my brain that I don’t use very often. I’m loving the challenge and I’m learning to create more and more complex patterns but it requires a lot of concentration and it can be quite depleting when I’ve spent a few hours trying to figure out how many stitches I need to make a size 10 version of the size 14 dress I just made. Are you going cross-eyed just thinking about it?

I’m trying my hardest to not totally book out my weekends at the moment because there’s only a few left before bub gets here. I also have no way of knowing exactly how many. It could be 7 or more… or less! Who knows?

What are you up to this weekend? And what are your spring wardrobe essentials?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!


  1. Author
    Carly Jacobs 7 years ago

    Oh you’re very welcome! I can’t stand spitters, like what are you even doing? Melbourne summers are pretty brutal. They’re generally short but painful. Good luck!

  2. Carolyn Heywood 6 years ago

    Agree on the shoes … just got a pair of Rollie Derby Sidecut that fit that bill perfectly

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      Oh I’ve had a pair of Rollies on my list for years now! Want to wait until I’m not pregnant before I buy shoes though just in case.

  3. Steph 6 years ago

    I love this cotton dress! Psyched to try it

    • Author
      Carly Jacobs 6 years ago

      It’s really good – I’m going to have to shorten the straps because it’s a touch low but apart from that I love it!

  4. Jessica Citizen 6 years ago

    “It’s a whole thing,” apparently 😉
    …btw, as a fellow dress-wearing mama, I’d like to mention that the “Mum uniform” of dresses over leggings is something that I took a while to appreciate, but now embrace wholeheartedly. If you choose them well (plain black, non-shiny), they’re a happy medium between tights and bare legs, and you can take your shoes off at a moment’s notice! That might not seem important now, but… trust me 😛

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