Very Excellent Habits

Sold on a Sample – Uncle Tobys Cafe Style Oats

It might amuse you to know that one of the top search terms that leads people to the Smaggle blog is ‘porridge’. I talk about it a lot. I create recipes around it. I strangely overindulge in it when my boyfriend goes out of town. You could say I have issues.  So naturally I was delighted when I got a little packet of quick oats inside a women’s fitness magazine last month.

Truth be told, the serving is a little on the small side for a meal. I’m a greedy guts so if that’s going to be my breakfast it’s going to need some nuts and other fruit added but I’ve been having this as an afternoon snack and it’s THE BOMB. It’s not crazy sweet just perfectly injected with apple and blueberries. Delish!

Also, I’m a sucker for well designed packaging and the dudes at Uncle Tobys are clearly rocket scientists. Or something to that effect. Once you empty out the porridge into the bowl and the package is empty there’s this genius little line that you can use to measure your milk. Those crazy cats are seducing me with the act of saving me washing up.

After trying the sample, I was hooked. I bought a box of ten and I am just about to buy another box. They are super convenient and I’ll often pop one in my bag to have for an emergency lunch if I’m working away from home.

Do you have any awesome food products that you’ve discovered recently? Do share!

Disclaimer: I got this sample free in a magazine and I bought (and ate) a whole box of them because I think they are awesome.

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