Very Excellent Habits

Sold on a Sample – SlimPasta

I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while because I know heaps of people are curious or simply don’t know about SlimPasta. If you’ve been reading Smaggle for a while you’ll know I’m a bit of a carbo-phobe. I still eat good carbs like grains, oats and occasionally brown rice but it’s a very bad day if you see me eating white bread. I also try to avoid rice and potatoes, particularly at dinner time. This is why I’m so in love with SlimPasta because it gets tiresome eating your stir fry without something underneath it.

There’s two different varieties, Angel Hair (think vermicelli) and Spaghetti (think… spaghetti). One has twice as many calories than the other but at 6 calories and 14 calories per serve respectively it’s hardly worth considering. I just choose the most appropriate type for the meal that I’m preparing.

Here’s a few dot points to consider with SlimPasta

* It doesn’t reheat very well so try not to use the microwave as a short cut. It kind of dries it out but leaves it floating in a watery juice. Not very nice.

* You need to drain it very well. I also squeeze mine with paper towel to make it really, really dry because it has a high water content and  it will make your dishes a little watery.

* It doesn’t absorb sauces so don’t expect it to. It carries the food rather than mixes with it.

* The Spaghetti one smells a bit weird but that washes away when you rinse it.

* You don’t cook it, you heat it in boiling water.

* The Angel Hair variety is gluten free. Bonza.

* Chew very carefully. The vegetable that SlimPasta is made from is called Konjac and has been banned in some countries because they made jelly candies from it and kids expected it to dissolve in their mouths like regular jelly only it didn’t and they choked and died. So… proceed with caution.

* The nutrition panel on these babies is out of this world. No fat, no sugar, minimal salt, extremely low carbs and calories.



It really does seem too good to be true doesn’t it? I keep waiting for someone to tell me it causes cancer or anal leakage but so far so good. Let it be known though that you will only be impressed by this product if you are or have been a low carb eater. I think it’s the most amazing product I’ve ever encountered but then I’ve been eating bolognaise sauce on spiralised zucchini for ten years so please do take my advice with a grain of salt. Or better yet, just try it yourself! I get mine at my local supermarket in the health food aisle, conveniently located near the gluten free food but you can look on the SlimPasta website for local stockists.

Do you have any amazing healthy food products that you’ve discovered recently? Please share!

Disclaimer: I received a sample pack of SlimPasta in a swag bag at the Kidspot Top 50 Blogger bash in Sydney and lugged it back to Melbourne with me. I now buy it every single week.

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