Very Excellent Habits

Shit Yeah and Hell No.

Shit Yeah

* Spontaneously re-arranging our little apartment so it looks like people live here. We moved in three months ago and promptly traveled non-stop for a month, so our home looked quite bare and resembled a dentists office. It’s now a perfect little homey haven.

* Buying giant glass-safe coloured textas and going nuts writing lists all over my mirror.

* Making enough money from my blog to support myself for the whole month of August. I’m still doing heaps of client work and various other projects but I’ve made enough money from Smaggle alone to pay my rent, bills and food for a full month. After five years of blogging for very little fiscal return, this excites me greatly.

* Getting invited to three different weddings in spring! Glee!

* New exercise apps motivating me to go running. Reviews coming soon!

* Karen Walker Bot on Twitter. Always gives me a lunch time giggle.

* Game of Thrones. The Mister and I are addicted. We’ve been taking sneaky afternoon Thrones breaks at 3pm with tea and pillows on the couch and then sneaking in another episode before bed. So good.

* Hopping into my car this evening and finding a dry, lemon wedge filled gin glass in my cup holder. A souvenir left over from Saturday night when I drove my friend to a gig and she casually took her glass tumbler in the car for the ride. Class.

Hell No

* Getting a parking ticket. It’s true, I was technically illegally parked but all the permit spots were taken and I live literally next door to a very popular Melbourne watering hole, so getting any kind of park on a Friday night is a miracle. I just think it’s a bit rich because I obviously live in the area and I pay for a yearly permit to park in that area where there’s never any permit parks. Cut me some slack jerk features.

* My magazine addiction coming back with a vengeance. I totally thought I kicked the habit years ago but I still keep sneaking a Grazia or a New Weekly in with my groceries. Naughty Smaggle.

What about you? What are your hell yes and shit no bits of the week?

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