Very Excellent Habits

Shit Yeah and Hell No.

Shit Yeah

* Having dinner with my favourite people on Saturday night. We ate at a restaurant and then meandered back to the Smaggle Haus for wine and Doritos. Awesome.

* Strawberries. I have no idea where they have come from because it’s so not strawberry season but they are cheap and amazing right now. Win.

* Father’s day chats with my dad. He’s such a champ.

* Baking perfect cookies. It’s one of my lame super powers.

* Tentatively dog shopping with my man. He’s so clucky for a puppy it’s adorable. He stops to pat every pooch that passes us by and quizzes the owner on the breed, temperament and general health of their dog. He has a short list of breeds compiled on his iPhone. Watch this space.

* Reading Seth Godin’s book Purple Cow. That man is sensible. I want a better word to describe him but that pretty much sums it up.

* Gluten-Free yogurt covered pretzels. Yes.

* The gorgeous girl at our local framer wearing a giant leopard print turban and a faux-fur coat while chopping up mounting board and hammering together chunks of wood.

* The rest of the year getting really busy, really quickly. I do love to be constantly occupied!

Hell No

* Vegetables being stupidly expensive. Even at the markets. $5 for half a cauliflower? Are they kidding?

* Copping a medicine ball right in my face at Boot Camp last week. Painful is a major understatement. I also had to act all brave for the rest of the session and bite back my tears so the chick who accidentally threw it at me wouldn’t feel bad. Ouch.

What are your shit yes and hell nos of the week?

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