Very Excellent Habits

Sex and the City – SPOILER ALERT!!!

Okay I know everyone has probably already seen it but I wanted to have SPOILER ALERT!!! in the title of the post because it makes me feel like I know something you don’t…

I finally went to see the movie last night and I have to say I FREAKIN LOVED IT!!! In my Sex and the City fan-haze I refused to see it in a normal cinema and I have been on the waiting list for 2 weeks to see it at the Premium cinema. Premium is where you get a reclining chair, there are only 30 other people in the cinema, you don’t have to sit next to anyone (except the person that you are with) and they bring you food at your request through out the movie. So I finally got my tickets last night and after a quick sushi dinner, Mr Smaggle and I trotted off to the movie…

Now I wasn’t really expecting much because I know that a lot of people really hated it and I have been purposely avoiding reading too much about it but here are a few things I loved…

* The wedding dress montage. Holy crap, that was awesome. I was biting holes in Mr Smaggle from the pure joy… Oscar De la Renta, Dior, Lacroix, Westwood… I’m feeling dizzy just thinking about it.

* Carrie’s new style. I will admit there were a few fuglies in there like the strange stripy socks and football jersy combo but the rest was gorgeous. Her style has developed and matured and I think Patricia Field rocks. She really showed her versatility as a stylist and she clearly put a lot of thought into each of the characters, where their lives took them and how this translated in their clothing. A job well done from a seriously talented lady. Oh and I want Samantha’s silver fish bone shoes from the naked sushi scene. Now.

* The revealing of the magic closet. This was super special. It’s always been Carrie’s dream and although some people found it to be materialistic I think it was lovely. 

* When Carrie is moving out and is doing the toss/keep montage and they show the opening scene dress and all the girls say ‘keep’! Bless!

* Samantha’s ‘Hey dick wad!’. Priceless.

* The whole wedding look and the fact that VIVIENNE WESTWOOD GAVE HER THE DRESS! I nearly cried. I know Carrie is fictional but my heart was bursting with happiness for her. If you need to explain this to a man just say it’s like Steve Jobs sending them the latest Macbook for free, 6 months before they are even on sale and with a lovely hand written note. Delivered in a Lamborghini full of beer that they get to keep. 

* The part where Big and Carrie meet in the street after he leaves her at the altar. I was DEVASTATED!!! But damn that was a good scene. Charlotte was so fierce and and protective it was amazing. She totally took charge and I got goosebumps from it! I just think the actors, directors and writers really nailed that scene. 

* The Stanford and Anthony cuteness! I’m so annoyed that this wasn’t explored more. I loved their little New Year’s pash. Total movie highlight!

* I may by really immature… Okay I’m completely immature but I loved the little humpy dog.


Things I didn’t like about it…

* How Steve cheated on Miranda. Bad Steve! I guess Miranda wouldn’t have had much to do in the film if this didn’t happen but it totally tainted my love for him. It was nice though when they met ‘halfway’ on the bridge… a little corny but they had to give Miranda something to do. I mean she completed the season married with baby and as a partner in her law firm. There wasn’t really anywhere else this could go.

* Charlotte was quite irritating and really one dimensional. She had so much more going for her in the series and I felt that the movie let her down. Her scenes with Big were great though and it was nice to see her kicking butt for Carrie. Apart from that she was too vacuous and kind of like a pregnancy Barbie doll. 

* Jennifer Hudson. Bless her little cotton socks but she was a total waste of space. Why introduce a new character like that? There is no need and she wasn’t that great. There was no character development or anything. And her and Carrie SO weren’t close enough to warrant a Louis Vuitton bag! What was that about? And sorry, but why does Carrie need an assistant? How much writing did you see her do? It was really bizarre.

* The product placement was SO IRRITATING! ‘Oh I’m just going to take my Apple Iphone out of my Louis Vuitton and call Vivienne Westwood to thank her for my couture gown!’. Although people who go on about Carrie writing on a Macbook piss me off. She has ALWAYS written on a Macbook so I think that’s acceptable.

* The relationships between Miranda and Brady and Charlotte and Lily. They just totally looked like borrowed children. Obviously Lily is adopted but I didn’t sense any mother like close-ness with either of SATC mothers and their ‘children’. I just feel that the actors could have worked on this a little more.

* The fact Carrie is a bloody masochist! Why did she go back to Big after he humiliated her like that? WHAT THE HELL??? Bring back Aiden. I always hated Big and I still do. That was so totally unacceptable and he got forgiven without nearly enough grovelling. Carrie is pretty selfish and bitchy though so I guess they kind of deserve each other. I think it sets a really bad example to women every where who allow themselves to be treated like absolute dirt by arseholes like Big but stay with them because they ‘love’ them. It’s bullshit. Why did she go back to him? Yeah I get that she went all Bridezilla on him but come ON! I’m still in shock. And still holding my little sad candle for Aiden. Come back you big rugged ball of goodness! I’m saying something that goes against everything SATC stands for. It’s nice to date nice boys! Why are we constantly being encouraged to date the ‘difficult’ ones? What can I say? I’m an Aiden gal through and through.

* The ending was a little too neat. There was something in it for everyone you know?. Miranda was happy in her broken marriage, Charlotte was happy in her perfect marriage, Carrie was happy in her ridiculously destructive relationship and Samantha was happy to be single. Wow. How terribly coincidental and diverse.

* Samantha’s ‘fat roll’ that had the girls balking at the site of her. Was I the only one that didn’t see it? She looked exactly the same to me. 

All in all, I really enjoyed it. It was lovely to see my girls again after so long and I think they all looked incredible. My response was more emotional than I thought it would be. I was seriously devasted when Big left Carrie at the alter and I was so proud of Charlotte for standing up to him. Steve totally broke my heart when he cheated on Miranda and I got all welled up when Charlotte finally got herself knocked up. The script wasn’t as sharp or as funny as the show but I will forgive the producers because television and film are so different and I think they did an amazing job making the transition. I liked that they didn’t dwell on the series and it was more of an insight into what the girls have become rather than a trip down memory lane. It didn’t just pick up where the series left off. I highly recommend it for serious Sex and the City fans because it’s a fabulous film. Your natural love of the girls will hopefully make up for the down falls of the film. Paticia Field is a goddess in every sense of the word and I love her and want to have little pink haired babies with her. So that’s Lady Smaggle’s humble opinion…

What did you think of film? What was your favourite part? Which bit made you cringe? And what did you think of the ladies now they are all grown up?

Love Lady Smaggle



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