Very Excellent Habits

Royal Style

The Queen 

Queenly style tips from the lady herself…

* Hang up your bag. The Queen always carries an S shaped meat hook in her bag. Not for spearing people through the nostril with but to attach to the edge of the table so she can hang her bag up. What a deliciously classy thing to do.

* Create secret signals. If The Queen places her handbag on the floor it is a cue to her attendants that she is bored by the person sitting next to her. A lady in waiting then comes to her rescue. If her bag dangles from her left arm it means everything is going well. Have a secret signal with your man or bestie so you can rescue each other from the hell of conversation domination or to let the other know that everything is cruising.

* Wear scarves when outdoors. Hermes scarves if your budget allows. The Queen is seldom seen on her walks without her Hermes scarf knotted under her chin. Apparently the wearing of the scarves is the corgis cue that’s walk time.

* Be frugal. The Queen was once ordering champagne for a dinner party and told her staff to get the cheapest one available. She said ‘Who will know the difference when it’s wrapped in a white cloth?’. I also read somewhere that she has a collection of 20 handbags. 20. I have 20 handbags. How amazingly resourceful to constantly be in the public eye and not feel the need to buy hundreds of different bags. Choose carefully and don’t spend money unless you really need to.

* Wear pearls often.

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