Very Excellent Habits

5 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing In Your 20s

Beautiful woman under umbrella on yellow flowers background


ave you ever been on a jumping castle as an adult? If the answer is no I suggest you rectify this immediately. Not because it’s fun, because it’s really weird. I’ve never met an adult that was fit enough to jump for longer than about 20 seconds on a jumping castle. I do spin class three times a week and I almost coughed up a lung the last time I was on one because clearly I’m a really old lady who should know better than to go on the kids rides at the fete. It made me sad that I was such an exercise adverse child (my hobbies were reading and crafting. Nuff said.) and didn’t take more advantage of the jumping castle when I could have lasted a bit longer on the damn thing. I was thinking about regret (mainly pork belly regret. Every. Single. Time.) so I whacked together a list of things you’ll regret not doing in your 20s…

Staying the ‘eff out of the sun

Honestly, I’m not too bad at this but I had a terrible incident when I got back from a trip to India in 2011. I was on malaria tablets (and you are absolutely forbidden to get sunburned when you’re on malaria tablets) and I had to attend a wedding almost immediately when I got off the plane. I didn’t expect to be seated outdoors in direct sunlight so my face got burned to a crisp, especially my nose which still hasn’t retuned to it’s normal colour. I now carry sunscreen everywhere. Even to weddings and everyone should start doing this from about the age of 10 onwards.

Stopping yourself from spending money on stupid shit

I once spent $400 on the full In Essence essentials oils kit. I absolutely loved it. I loved it so much, I never used it and all the oils expired and I had to throw them all away. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to use the damn oils or spend the money on vodka redbulls instead.

Being naked more often

I was never one to skinny dip (too body shy) and I kind of regret that because there just aren’t that many opportunities to skinny dip as a grown up. It’s super cute when you’re 20 but it seems to become a bit more illegal and weird the older you get. In general though, just be naked whenever possible, regardless of your age. It’s very awesome.

Using some of your endless spare time to learn an awesome party trick

I actually nailed this one. I can say the alphabet backwards but I wish I had a better trick. I have a mate that can pull a coin out of his ear and another that can burp the alphabet. So make sure when you pick your trick, it’s not lame.

Chucking more sickies

I never, ever chucked sickies back when I had a 9 to 5 and I very rarely called in sick when I was actually sick either. I regret this deeply now that I’m self employed and I’d give my right arm for a paid day off. I mean I wouldn’t go crazy on the sick days I’d just actually call in sick when I was sick… oh the luxury of not having to take out a loan every time I get a cold.

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Do you have anything you regret not doing in your 20s? Or in your teens?


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