Very Excellent Habits

Recommendations: 9 Things I Reckon You’ll Love

I’m really, really into good stuff. You know the stuff you use every day and you don’t really think about how great it is? Like I have two Lady Jane hair clips (which are sadly discontinued – I’m going to be DEVO if they break) that have a flat claw and they’re the best hair clips ever. Whenever I use a different hair clip, I really noticed how much I don’t notice the good ones. You know what I mean? That’s why I write recommendation articles like this from time to time. To spread the joy of the things that make my day to day life so much easier…Here’s 9 things I love that I reckon you’ll quite like too…

1. Grill’d Ultra Low Carb Burger Buns

They’ve been an absolute lifesaver since I’ve been pregnant because you have to be super careful about eating salads when out and about because of listeria. It’s cool to eat them at home because you can wash them but pre-cut and packaged salads are a bit of a no-no and you can never really tell what kind of salad you’re being served at a restaurant. I eat low-carb most of the time so salads are generally my go to when I’m eating out but I kind of have to avoid them now which leaves very few options. Thankfully Grill’d have an ultra low carb bun option that’s been totally saving me, otherwise, I’d be screwed. Very much looking forward to slamming a Power Salad once bub is born is though. I’ve been missing them.

2. Mission Impossible: Fall Out 

For real, it’s actually just a bloody great film. Even if you’re not into Tom Cruise or the whole Mission Impossible thing, it’s just a solid romp on its own. I spent the whole time super annoyed that I couldn’t figure out where I knew the White Widow from. Spoiler alert: She’s bloody Princess Margaret from The Crown. So bummed I didn’t pick it. I’m usually extremely ace at that.

3. Innersense Hair Bath Shampoo 

I’ve following the Curly Girl method about 80% for a few years and decided to go full CG a week ago to see what happened. This meant finding a finding a different shampoo to Moo Goo (which is ALMOST CG but not quite). Someone recommended Innersense Hair Bath because it’s good for fine hair (which believe it or not, I have! It’s fine in strand there’s just a lot of it) and it’s been bloody brilliant so far. Great volume, great curl. Loving it. The downsides are that it’s expensive (but you don’t actually use much) and it’s a bit wanky. The instructions on the bottle say ‘Take a deep breath. Centre yourself.’ and not in an ironic way. I was reading it in the shower and actually snorted with laughter. Products that take themselves too seriously really tickle me.

5. Frank Green Stainless Steel Reusable Coffee Mug 

Okay, I’ve definitely mentioned these before but I wanted to say, three months on they’re still kicking strong. Easily the best reusable coffee cup I’ve ever had. They clean super easily (the lids are dishwasher safe), they’re super light to carry and keep the coffee hot for ages. I had two glass reusable cups before this one and honestly? I wouldn’t go back. Glass is great but it’s kind of heavy and it doesn’t keep the coffee hot for long enough. I’m ALL about the Frank Green stainless steel. And when you’re done, you just screw the lid on and it won’t leak coffee dregs in the bottom of your bag.

6. Audiobooks 

I’m a podcast fiend but sometimes I just want to listen to something for a solid 3 hours while cleaning the house without having to search for good episodes or find a new one when I’m not loving the one I’m listening to. Plus I love a break from the internet and sometimes podcasts feel like you’re listening to a blog post, you know what I mean? I’ve had an audiobook on the go for the last few months and it’s been awesome. Currently listening to The Tattooist of Auschwitz and it’s amazing. I also feel the need to tell everyone I spelled ‘Auschwitz’ correctly on the first go without even needing to look it up. Winner.

7. You Can’t Ask That 

Every time ABC releases a new season of this, I try to not binge watch it all in one go, but I always do. If you haven’t watched this show, you absolutely must. Each episode is about a group of marginalised Aussies (like swingers, drag queens or Muslims) and people send in anonymous questions for them to answer. It’s brilliant. Every episode has been just lovely and even the tough topics like survivors of sexual abuse are somehow heartwarming and beautiful. It’s a very special show. Highly recommended.

8. Avalanche Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate 

I don’t really eat sugar anymore and I’m trying my hardest not to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners but sometimes you just need a sweet lil’ something after dinner in winter you know? We found these at Woolies a few months ago and they really hit the spot for a cheeky treat. I make them with milk and cream for added fat and they’re pretty dang delicious.

9. Crochet String Bags 

About a year ago I released an eco bag pattern on Crochet Coach and it’s without a doubt my favourite thing I’ve ever made. I’ve got a collection of them now and they’re awesome for shopping. I make them constantly – on planes, in waiting rooms, in the car. They’re a perfect no-brainer project with a super practical outcome. My favourite.

What are your recommendations ATM? Anything awesome I should know about?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!



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