Very Excellent Habits

5 Things I Want To Marry Right Now

Recommendation posts are my favourite because I love talking about things I love. And I don’t actually love that much stuff because I am FUSSY! I need things to be good value, long lasting and enjoyable to use. I’m pretty vocal about when things are rubbish so it’s only fair to be just as vocal when things are amazing. I sometimes look back at my last few weeks of posts and I realise I haven’t done a good ol’ fashioned recommendation post in a while, so here’s one today.

Presenting the 5 things I want to marry right now…

1. Baby Driver 

If you haven’t seen this yet, get to it. It’s gorgeous. It’s an Edgar Wright film (he did the Cornetto series – Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and World’s End) but this one is totally different to his last few films. The cast is amazing. Think John Hamm, Kevin Spacey and Lily James. So good. The soundtrack is also amazing. I’ve had pretty much nothing else playing all day when I work since I saw this movie.

2. Kebia Goat’s cheese 

I’ve been going low on dairy recently. It won’t be forever though –  I can’t just give up on cheese and yogurt like that. Not after all we’ve been through. I’ve switched to goat’s cheese, I’m not really sure why it doesn’t count as a dairy but apparently it doesn’t and it’s made a huge difference to my digestion and also the severity of my period pain each month. I know it sounds crazy but I’ve done this several times and I swear my period pain is at about 10% what it normally is when I’m off dairy. True story. I love the Kebia Goat’s cheese because it’s amazing value and it melts like a dream in omelettes. So good. Goat’s cheese is crazy expensive so I get mine from my local green grocer in bulk.

3. Batiste XXL Hair Powder

I’ve been experimenting with the Curly Girl Method for my hair this year and most of it works brilliantly but some of it just doesn’t mesh. I need my hair spray and dry shampoo – the oil in curly hair doesn’t slide down the hair shaft like it does with straight hair so my roots need a little extra TLC, otherwise it’s like swamp land in there. I need a bit of volume and grit and Batiste hair powder is my favourite. It also comes in a tiny little shaker bottle so I can travel with it easily. Perfect for humid, flat hair days in Bali or just random flat hair days when my hair seems to forget what it’s supposed to be doing.

4. Meatball and Wine Bar

I went to the Richmond Meatball and Wine Bar on the weekend and now I’ve been to all three in Melbourne. They’re so great. You just pick what meatballs you want with which sauce and base (polenta, pasta or greens) and you’re off. I always get mine on greens and I just love that this in an option. It’s actually quite difficult to get a meal that’s meat with vegetables so having this straight on the menu is such a treat for a regular healthy orderer like me.

5. Sweet Teen Club being back

Stacey and I went on a break while we sorting some things out with our podcast network which has now closed down so we’re officially an independent show. And we’re totally back now! So if you’ve been missing Stacey and I ranting about Edward Furlong and spaghetti strap singlets, fret no more. We are back and here to stay. Sadly though, we’ve lost all our reviews in the move so if you listened to (and love) Sweet Teen Club, be a doll and fang us a review. We’re practically starting all over again.

Oh also none of these things are gifted or sponsored. I just love them.

What things are you wanting to marry right now? What’s the best thing in your life at the moment?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.

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