Very Excellent Habits

3 Things I’ve Recommended That I’d Totally Recommend Again


ou know how sometimes you recommend things to people a little bit too soon? Like you try a new nail polish and you think it’s great and then it kind of starts to suck? The problem is that no one really follows up on recommendations. When something is fresh and new you’re telling everyone about it but after a while that thing becomes a part of your routine or you stop using it altogether and the recommendation period ends. Today I wanted to shed a little light on some things I used to love that I still really love.

1. F45

I started F45 in February this year and I still love it. I actually dread going away because it means I don’t get my morning sweat session happening. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s team training but you kind of do it individually. It’s like having a personal trainer but there’s about 20 of you in the room. It’s a hardcore 45 minutes but it goes so quickly, I barely even notice I’m doing it. It’s pretty expensive – $50 to $65 per week depending on where you live – but I’m budgeting hard to be able to afford it because I love it so much. Tip: If you’re a founding member of a new studio you can usually lock in a cheaper price. Oh and ‘F45’ stands for ‘functional 45’, which still doesn’t make a lot of sense but at least now you know.

2. Le Tan Daily Face 50+ BB Creme

I bought this stuff purely because it has a very high SPF but it’s actually a wonderful light coverage product that I use when I couldn’t be bothered going full face. It just kind of smoothes and evens me all out. I’m just about to buy my third tube. So there you go.

3. Sleep With Me Podcast

This thing is the bomb. It’s a dude that tells a really boring monotonous story every night to get you to sleep. I love it so much. It’s just enough to stop your brain from racing through all the things you’ve done in your life that you regret but not interesting enough to stop you from sleeping. If you have sleep issues, get on board this app. It’s a game changer.

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What about you? Anything you’ve loved for ages that you still love? Want to re-recommend anything?


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