Very Excellent Habits

5 Weird Ways To Recharge Your Soul

The first half of the year is always bananas isn’t it? I know mine always is. I’m not trying to win the I’m So Busy Awards here but if the I’m So Busy Awards existed, I would have won nearly every category this month including The Excessive Interstate Travel Award, The Saying Yes To Everything Like A Chump Award and my personal favourite The Eating Tinned Things Way Too Often Award.

I know it’s very trendy these days to not glorify being busy but what happens when you just are very busy? What then? What I really need is big old day off to sit around and do nothing but that’s not going to be on the cards until at least November, so I’ve been doing a few weird things here and there that have been keeping me semi-sane and upright for most of the day.

I thought I’d share them with you guys because you’re all weirdos like me and have probably been burning the candle at both ends like a bunch of manic little porcupines right? On that note I give you 5 weird ways to recharge your soul.

1. Stop talking

If you’re one of those people that feels the desire to fill every silence (cough ME! cough), you need to stop doing this when you’re feeling a bit low. Small talk is a soul killer so ditch it if you’re feeling a bit delicate. You don’t need to make conversation with every taxi driver, sales assistant, mother in the car park or co-worker that walks past you. Don’t waste your energy on useless conversations.

2. Watch a movie you’ve already watched

If you’re feeling energy depleted and you want to unwind a little but you don’t have the brain space for new information, just watch your favourite movie or a few episodes of a TV show you love. There’s something very comforting and relaxing about the repetition. Watching old episodes of Sex And The City is like meditation for me. Try it, and tell anyone who pays you out to get stuffed.

3Eat your lunch in a weird spot

The daily grind can be a huge soul killer so try a different cafe, a different table, sit outside or have lunch with someone you don’t usually have lunch with. It can give you a little bit of an energy boost to get you through the day and break up the monotony of those super busy times of year when it feels like you’ll never ever get a break.

4.Take off your pants

This is a super weird one but my day doesn’t actually ‘finish’ until I take off my pants. It signals the end of stuff and the start of not-stuff. Create a physical cue that signals the end of the day. Clothing related cues are the best. Taking off your bra, putting on your tracksuit pants or getting all snuggly in your bathrobe. The earlier you can do this in the day when you’re feeling run down, the better. Try this arvo, it’ll get you right back on track.

5Go to bed way before your bedtime and take a good book

It’s the ultimate indulgence when you’re busy but it’s such an amazing soul soother. Jump into bed straight after dinner and read until you fall asleep. You’ll feel spectacular the next day. Guaranteed.

Does your soul need recharging right now? You need to take care of that please. Go. Smaggle’s orders.

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
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