Very Excellent Habits

5 Insanely Useful Productivity Tools For Insanely Busy People

I’m a sucker for a good productivity app. If an app promises me that it’s going to totally change my life and give me countless extra hours in the day, I’m like ‘SHUT UP TAKE MY MONEY!!!’. I also don’t mind spending a few dollars here and there to test out cool new apps. If an app costs $1.99 and I never use it again I honestly don’t care.

It’s like half a bad cup of coffee. I also love trying out desktop apps and tools. Here’s a list of the most useful productivity tools I’ve discovered in the last few years…

This is by far one of the best sites for productivity. It allows you to unsubscribe to dozens of email lists in one click. It’s beyond brilliant. I do an ‘’ of my inbox every few months just to clear everything out. It saves me so much time every morning on emails that I auto-delete without reading.


Carrot is a hilarious tough love to-do app that gets cranky at you if you don’t complete your tasks. It’s fun to mix things up every now and then with your to-do list and I love a productivity app with a bit of personality. It’s a great app if you need a bit of a kick up the bum to get shit done.

Be Happy

This one is a gorgeous little ray of sunshine every day. You sign up and it sends you a lovely little happy message to your inbox every day. Sometimes you just need a little jolt in your happy gland to get things moving in the morning.

Focus Booster

This is a great little Pomodoro timer app that helps you track your time. That means it helps you kick bad habits like Facebook, email, Google – whatever your productivity Achilles heel is. I love Focus Booster for when I’m knuckling down and writing my content. It stops me from going ‘Oh FACEBOOK!’ every ten minutes because I’m aware of where my time is going.

I’m a seasoned to-do list writer (I’ve written a to-do list nearly every day since I was about sixteen years old) but for some people writing to-do lists is really scary. How much stuff do you put on it? Is it a list for today or forever? is a really simple page that gives you the perfect layout of things to get done in a day. 1 big thing, 3 medium things and 5 little things. It’s a brilliant starting point for people who are keen to get themselves a little high up on the productivity ladder.

Do you have any productivity apps or tools you love? Anything you use to help you stay focused at work?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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