Very Excellent Habits

Advice I Shouldn’t Give: Productive Parenting Tips

I can count on one hand the number of articles I’ve written that are aimed at parents because if there’s one thing parents hate, it’s being given advice from people who don’t have children.

Totally fair enough. I feel the same way when people with functioning metabolisms try to give me weight loss advice. It makes me really angry. We have the same response ‘Thanks so much, but you have literally no idea what you’re talking about.’

So, today I’m NOT going to give productivity advice to parents. I’m handing you over to the very capable hands of my Straight & Curly co-host Kelly. Someone who actually DOES have children and is an extraordinarily productive person. In this episode, Kelly gives her awesome parenting tips and I interject with the worst parenting tips I’ve ever heard on the internet. I may not have kids but I’m fairly certain colic is NOT caused by mothers who are too ‘angry’ around their children which is some advice I found in a 1920s parenting handbook. Imagine being a mother when advice like that is the norm… good times am I right? Oh and I recently learnt that men need folic acid too! A mate of mine has been taking folic acid because she’s pregnant (which is SUPER important) but apparently, dudes need it too. Who knew?

I know a lot of people who read Smaggle and listen to Straight & Curly are parents so today I’d love for the parents to raise their hands and share their best parenting tips.

Are you a parent? What’s your best ever productive parenting hack? 

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
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