Very Excellent Habits

Problogger Conference 2011 – The Report

On Friday of last week I attended the Problogger Conference of 2011 and I’m only just recovering from all the brain learning I did. I don’t generally blog about blogging, but here is a sneaky list of awesome people who you need to follow, like now.

* The unbelievable Nikki from Styling You who is just as sassy, smart and business savvy as you’d expect from her blog.

* I found myself rubbing my face on Mrs Woog quite regularly, who is my new favourite person in the world.

Edenland is spectacular.

* St Murphy is a hoot.

* Hair Romance is sweeter than apple pie. I actually didn’t recognise her until she turned around and showed me the back of her head.

* BusiChic is gorgeous, we finally met after tweeting circles around each other for years.

* The Blog Stylist is divine.

* Dannimezza (who I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time with) made mad buttons to give out to everyone. Mine said ‘I’m SO going to blog about this!’. Perfection.

* 30dollardate was an utter pleasure to meet and her site rocks. Been reading it for years.

Oh and Problogger’s not too bad either!

I have a giant stack of business cards that I’m working my way through so I’ll have more links for you soon.

If you attended the conference and want to keep in touch you can follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook.

Photos courtesy of gtvone because my photographer was too busy to follow me around that day.

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