Very Excellent Habits

5 Podcasts You Should Really Be Listening To

young beautiful hipster woman listening music with headphones in the city


‘ve become super obsessed with podcasts this year. I live in Melbourne so I walk everywhere, often up to 2 hours a day, so I’m constantly looking for new podcasts as I can rip through a whole feed of a newly-discovered podcast in the space of a week. Serial will always be the love of my life and here are a few that I find awesome at the gym. However if you walk a lot, here are 5 podcasts you should really be listening to…


This is a very new discovery but I’ve binge listened my way through the whole series and I love it. It’s written and narrated by Arron Mahnke and each episode is a 20 minute story about something creepy. Warning: Episode 7 In The Woods, is horrifying. Don’t listen to it alone or in the dark… and definitely not in the woods.

Call Your Girlfriend

This is a gorgeous podcast with two of the most awesome chicks in the world. Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow are two long distance besties who call each other every week and record their conversation. It’s funny, thought provoking and very smart stuff. Get on it.

Sean Wes

This is more for the business minded people but Sean Wes is a entrepreneur who really pushes the envelope on digital marketing. I’m making this sound super dry, but it’s not I promise. It basically a podcast about awesome, actionable business building tips from a dude who’s tried them all himself.

No Such Thing As A Fish

This one is a classic but sometimes it gets forgotten. It’s made by the researchers of QI and it’s pretty much a podcast about the cool shit they discovered that week. Very listenable.

Gilmore Guys

Two guys who watch and dissect episodes of The Gilmore Girls. Very cute and a must listen for anyone who’s a Gilmore Girls fan.

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What podcasts are you listening to? Let me know in the comments?


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