Very Excellent Habits

Office attire

A reader contacted me recently with a bit of a dilemma. She was saying how she admired my outfit posts and wished that she worked in a relaxed office like mine where she could get away with dressing like herself. She claims that ‘dressing like an usher’ is expected in her workplace and asked me to do a post on how to dress jazzy in a stuffy office. I do admit that my office is more relaxed than most but it doesn’t mean that I don’t have to watch what I wear. Here are a few pointers to remember –  


Here I have created a few office outfits to help you work in some tricky items in an appropriate manner


Summer Outfit

The trick to getting away with a sleeveless top at work is make sure that the straps are thick and that the top is a relaxed fit. Wearing neutral colours like cream and beige look professional but make sure you funk it up a bit with heels in a vivid colour and some Kenneth Jay Lane bangles. Always Kenneth. Always.

Winter Outfit

Keep mini skirts for winter and wear them with the thickest of opaque tights and sensible boots. Also make sure that you cover up on top to make up for showing a little led. Again starting with a neutral base is the key for office attire and then you can add colour as you go. With a scarf, hat, cardigan and winter layers keep accessories at a minimum – try a chunky cocktail ring instead of your usual earrings.

Casual Outfit

Take advantage of casual Friday! If jeans are acceptable wear them but try to avoid loose styles and washed out denim as these can look to casual even for casual Friday. Stick to tailored dark jeans with a classic cut. Wear a bright and trendy top and be cheeky with your accessories. Wear those plastic anchor earrings that you bought at Dangerfield or the distressed leather cuff that you love. Or you could spend a stupid amount of money on these Disney Couture Tinkerbell earrings – if only I had money to burn. Oh and always match your belt either to your shoes or your bag. Some people would disagree with me but I adore uniformity in an outfit.

And one more thing to tell you before I let you loose in the world of office style – Is it always better to be over dressed than under dressed for work.

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