Very Excellent Habits

It’s Okay To NOT Be Offended.

I came across an interesting topic of conversation this week. I was at a launch for an eco-friendly women’s product and the guest list consisted of mainly educated women with a social and environmental agenda. The topic turned to Seth Macfarlane’s We Saw Your Boobs song at the Oscars. I immediately jumped in and said ‘Oh my god! That was hilarious! I was literally LOL-ing!

Only to be met with stunned silence and a circle of horrified faces. Apparently as a woman I was supposed to be offended by the song because it was belittling these actresses and reducing the worth of their art down to the fact that we’d seen their boobs. I was also supposed to be outraged that women were targeted and not men. I kind of nodded and smiled and quickly changed the subject.

Then I got a little bit angry. Then I got a lot bit angry. 

I don’t have to be offended by that song. As both a woman and an actress, I thought the song was really funny. If I had of been IN the song, I would have laughed my arse off.

Here’s why…

1. It’s a factual song. He’s not making anything up. He’s literally listing actresses that have been in films where we saw their boobs. I was watching it and laughing and thinking ‘I DID see Anne Hathaway’s boobs in Brokeback Mountain! And Charlize Theron’s in Monster. And Kate Winslet’s in… everything!‘.

2. He didn’t say anything hurtful. He wasn’t rating the boobs. He was simply saying we’d seen them. Which we have.

3. There was nothing unsavoury about it. He’s wasn’t singing about dirty, filthy whore boobs. Just regular boobs.

4. I think it’s exciting when you get to see a famous woman’s boobs in a film. I’m not sitting there screaming ‘TITS!!!!’ at the screen but if I can see a boob, I’m probably enjoying it. If I can see a penis, I’m definitely enjoying it. Famous junk is strangely enthralling.

I can respect that the song might not have been everyone’s cup of tea but personally, I’m really struggling to find the offense in it and that’s fine. Because damn it, I don’t HAVE to be offended by it. And you know what? You CAN be offended by it. That’s fine too.

Out of curiousity though… who found Seth Macfarlane’s We Saw Your Boobs song offensive?

Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this!

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