Very Excellent Habits

My 5 Daily Non-Negotiables That Stop Me From Punching People


abits are weird. Sometimes we’re very, very aware of them particularly if we’re trying to create a new one. For instance someone who is trying hard to stop having a muffin with their morning coffee, will really notice not having the muffin. If they weren’t trying to stop having a muffin, they’d just have the muffin and not think about it. The good thing about habits is that they truly do become second nature if you stick at them. Eventually they can even become a daily non-negotiable. I’ve got a few daily habits that started out quite painful but have now turned into non-negotiables for me. I thought I’d share my list just in case there was anything that you might like to try – you never know – your next good habit could be just a day away.


I must walk 10,000 steps

I just objectively feel like shit when I don’t move enough, so I plan my day around getting enough walking in. I sleep terribly and I feel really grumpy if I don’t do this. Sometimes if it’s cold and I don’t feel like moving, I have to force myself to go for a walk but I just have to remember how much worse I feel if I don’t do this. It’s become almost a craving for me now which is excellent.

I must drink 2 litres of water

I have a Drink Water app on my phone that reminds me to hydrate through out the day. I don’t normally struggle that much on gym days but if I have a rest day, I need that little reminder. It’s also Apple Watch compatible, so it taps me on the wrist if my phone happens to not be near by. If I’m feeling a bit run down and sick at the end of the day, it’s usually because I haven’t had enough water.

I must engage in a pure pleasure activity

Writing and blogging used to be my pleasure activities and now blissfully they’re my job which is obviously amazing, but I do need to make sure I stop at the end of every day and do something else. I’m shocking at sitting still so I need something to do with my hands. I always make sure I crochet, read a book or have a coffee or a glass of wine with someone I love every single day. We all work hard and we should get enjoyment every day. No arguments.

I must eat a healthy lunch

Sometimes I like to self sabotage and eat something stupid like a laksa for lunch. Which is obviously delicious and awesome but then I feel gross and sluggish for the rest of the day. I can handle a laksa for dinner because I only have to sit around and sleep at night but if I have to do things, I need to eat well during the day. That means a shite load of veggies and some kind of lean protein. Not negotiable.

I must have a proper break at lunch time

Every now and then I try to barrel on through my lunch break and this is always a mistake because I just crash and burn at 3pm. I need a decent break, a decent meal and I need to read a book or something unrelated to work for a bit. Not for long – half an hour will do me – but it has to be away from the internet and my phone. Otherwise I’m as good as useless for the afternoon.

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Do you have any non-negotiables in your day? Cuddles with your cat? Calling your bestie? A green smoothie?


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