Very Excellent Habits

Michelle Bridges 12WBT – Week Three Results

I’ve just finished up my third week of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT and it’s going really well. My good choices are slowly becoming habits and I haven’t once thrown in the towel completely and downed a whole bottle of wine and ordered pizza which is great! My goal last week was to watch out for little nibbles of food here and there and I can honestly say I’ve been much better on that front this week. I was also 100% perfect with my exercise this week and even did an extra workout on my rest day because I was going out for dinner. Here’s how I went.

Michelle Bridges 12WBT – Week Three Results 


* My first week of flawless exercise! Yay! I’m really starting to notice changes in my body which is really comforting. I’m lucky because although I have the metabolism of a hibernating bear, my body and muscles respond really quickly and positively to exercise. Even if weight loss doesn’t show on the scales for me, my arse perks up pretty quickly so it’s great motivation.

* Not having to think about what to cook all the time. The meal plan is right there, all the ingredients are in my fridge and I can just jump up and cook at a moments notice.

* If you cook a meal for dinner there’s an option to make extra and have it for lunch the next day. It’s perfect for when I’m busy or eating on the run – I just grab my pre-packed lunch and go.


* I’ve had a serve or two of meat go off in the fridge so I’m reconsidering the once a week shop. I’ve been freezing my meat this week but I actually just really love cooking with fresh meat so I might have to make a slight adjustment.

* I haven’t been sleeping well this week. At all. It may just be because November is weird and crazy busy but it’s been every night and it’s a pain in the butt.

* I’ve been super careful this week and I’ve not seen any weight loss on the scales. As much as I know that weight loss isn’t everything, it’s super annoying to spend all week tracking calories and burning extra calories for special occasions and not seeing a loss.

Week Breakdown

This week I’m going to start writing down how many calories I ate per day as well so I’m held super accountable for weight loss. It turns out I’ve been eating and extra 100 ish calories per day usually in the form of a skim latte, so I’ll be ditching those next week to see if it makes a difference.

Saturday – 1308 calories eaten and 1 hour of strength and cardio.

Sunday – 1882 calories eaten and 1 hour run.  I burned extra calories on a rest day so I could have a few drinks and a snacky dinner with my sister-in-law who was visiting Melbourne. I counted every calorie and ate a very light breakfast and lunch to compensate.

Monday – 1368 calories eaten and 1 hour run.

Tuesday – 1133 calories and no exercise. I didn’t get a rest day on the week-end so I took one today.

Wednesday – 1188 calories and a weight training session.

Thursday – 1230 calories and one hour intense interval training.

Week 1 Measurements

I’m not supposed to measure every week so I’m holding off until week 4 but I thought I’d republish my first weeks results just for continuity.

Chest – 102 cm

Waist – 98 cm

Hips – 113 cm

Thigh – 65 cm

Arm – 36 cm

Photos Week 2

Click here to see Week 1 photos.

Click here to see Week 2 photos.

Weight Loss to Date – 3kgs

I’ve lost 3kg in three weeks which is great but I lost all those kilos in the first 2 weeks and haven’t seen any movement on the scales this week which is a bit disappointing. BUT the t-shirt I’m wearing is baggier this week than it was in the first week. I’m so glad I’ve been taking the photos because it keeps me motivated on weeks when the scales are being stupid.

Weight Loss

Goal – 12kgs

Lost – 3kgs

Left to go – 9kgs

Any questions after week 3?

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