Very Excellent Habits

Melbourne. Brisbane. Canberra. Sydney.


‘ve been up down and the east coast of Australia non-stop this month. I was in Canberra, then Sydney, then Melbourne, up to Brisbane, back to Melbourne, then Canberra again, then the south coast, back to Canberra and this weekend I’m in Sydney and finally, blissfully back to my little grungy corner of the world in Fitzroy in Melbourne.

I’m not going to lie – I totally over committed myself this month but November has a habit of doing that to me. I love it but I’m also very keen to spend a whole day in my own house, not talking to people and burying myself in a pile of yarn, crochet hooks, Netflix and my Melbourne friends who I haven’t seen since October… but they aren’t allowed to talk to me. They just have to sit near me, maybe gently pat me and bring me snacks.

Here’s a few things I’ve been doing this month –

Little Blog Big Melbourne 

We had a fantastic group of bloggers and small business owners come to the Melbourne class. Quite a few jewellers and artists too which was very cool. We also had our beautiful students Sandra from What Lies Within, Liz from I Spy Plum Pie and Tahlia from Tahlia Meredith come back for for a second time to do our course. The fact that people want to do our course TWICE in one year had Chrissy and I blubbering into our sav blanc at the end of the day.

Little Blog Big Brisbane 

Chrissy and I jetted to Brisbane mid-November for LBB and it was amazing. We stayed with our gorgeous friend Nikki from Styling You and she was the hostess with the most-ess. Seriously, she drove us around all weekend, plied us with wine and I let us raid her wardrobe. Total. Gem. We had an absolute ball despite the fact that it was like 35 degrees. I borrowed a dress from Nikki and I sweated on it so much I had to buy it from her. True story. We also the beautiful Kayte from Woog’s World staying with us and she helped pack our goody bags and provided endless entertainment over lunch the next day. Chrissy and I could not be more grateful for our blogging colleagues. Again we spent most of the evening blubbering into our wine glasses about how lucky we are.

Little Blog Big Canberra 

It was much cooler for our Canberra class and we had the most delicious group of local Canberra bloggers come along including Lauren from Life at Number 5 who has attended three events of ours in the past year. Sob! Mr and Mrs Romance stayed with my parents for the weekend and I think Mamma and Daddy Smaggle are pretty keen to adopt them. Daddy Smaggle and Mr Romance made short work of a bottle of whisky over the weekend and we think they’re in love now. Oh and also – the biggest most massive thank you in the world to Jim (AKA Mr Romance). He comes to every single one of our events and basically caters to our every need. He is the best human in the world. I’m in discussions with some scientists to have clones of him made. Let me know if you want one okay?

The Wedding 

Many of you have been asking about the wedding I was bridesmaid for on the weekend but sadly I have not even one photo for you yet. To answer some questions, yes the bride was Co-Dependant Smaggle (a few readers picked up on that – well done!) and the wedding was brilliant. Beyond brilliant. My feet are still hurting and so is my voice from singing/screaming to Love Shack on the dance floor. I shall share pictures soon, I promise. Until then here’s the bride and I drinking vino before the big day.

The Podcast

I’m in the beginning stages of planning a podcast with my mate Kelly Exeter. I’m so damn excited. We’re recording our first episode in December and launching soon after that. It’s going to be a podcast about productivity and life hacks. We’ll let you know when the first episode is live!

I also kind of got cast in a play this week and I literally start rehearsals the second I get off the plane on Sunday because I like to really, really earn my Christmas break. It’s a short 10 minute play, it’s on in three weeks and I haven’t even read it yet. Wish me luck yeah?

Oh also we’ve almost sold out for our Sydney 28th November Little Blog Big workshop. I’ve spent this whole month saying yes to everything and while I’m totally exhausted, I’m also happy and fulfilled as a… clam? Pig in mud? I don’t know… insert some analogy of a very satisfied animal here. See you Saturday!  Say yes to stuff. It’s very excellent.

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What have you been up to this month? Does November totally slam you too? Or is it a quiet lead up to December?


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