Very Excellent Habits

3 Things I’m Loving Sick Right Now


ou know what? You guys have been seriously awesome at participating in these posts, I’m going to big fat keep on doing them! You know the drill – I tell you three things I’m totally loving at the moment and then you tell me three things you’re totally loving. I love a good recommendation so make them juicy please! Here are 3 things I’m loving sick right now.

Dr Who

It happened. I’m officially a Whovian. I tried several times to make Dr Who a thing in my life but it’s never really stuck until Peter Capaldi became the Doctor. Mr Smags and I started watching the most recent series and then we just binged on it like a couple of teenagers. I think you know you’re a Whovian when the Tardis appears out of nowhere and saves the Doctor right at the last minute and you have to fight back your tears of joy. I bloody love the Tardis. I wish my house was a Tardis. If you’ve never watched Dr Who, I can highly recommend the Capaldi episodes. Very funny and very entertaining.

Sole Republic Shadow Headphones

Mr Smaggle bought a pair of these and raved about them non-stop so I asked for some for my birthday. They’re wireless headphones and they’re so freaking awesome. I love not being tethered to myself when I’m walking around and listening to podcasts. I can also do proper gym sessions with equipment and weights without having to carry my phone and get all tangled up in my headphones. I can also take my jacket off without strangling myself on my headphone cord. They’re the actual best. If you listen to a lot of music or podcasts on your daily commute, get some wireless headphones. They’re life changing.

Kiehls Dark Circle Corrector

I always struggle to get under eye concealers that aren’t pasty and thick. This one is really light and not at all cakey. It’s a good amount of coverage without going over board. Loving it.

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Did you discover anything freaking awesome this month? Care to share in the comments?


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By the way you should totally sign up for the Smaggle newsletter and like Smags on Facebook. I heard a rumour that Beyonce subscribes to the Smaggle newsletter. I made that rumour up but still…

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