Very Excellent Habits

7 Things I’m Loving Hard Right Now


recently got my annual Smaggle survey results (winners announced soon!) and I discovered some really interesting stuff.

1. Most people SAY they like my travel content but it doesn’t get clicked on or read as much as my other content.

2. Most of my Aussies readers are in NSW. *waves from Victoria*

3. Y’all love the fashion, productivity and recommendation posts the best.

And that reminded me that it’s been a while since I’ve done a recommendation post so here this weeks one. These are few things I’ve been loving hard recently. I hope you end up loving them hard too…

1. Diet Coke 

I know I’m not supposed to love it and it’s going to give me cancer, and it trains my brain to crave sweet things and blah, blah, blah but I bloody love a frosty cold can of D.C every now and then. It’s not an every day thing for me but sometimes, I just want a cheeky diet soft drink with my salad. And it’s ace.

2. Long Day 

It’s this great little app that lets you plan your day hour by hour. It’s perfect for when you really need to knuckle down and get things done. I respond very well to time constraints so if I only have an hour to do a task, I’ll do it in that time. For instance this is the 4th blog post I’ve written today, all because of Long Day. It really does help you get shit done. I’ve been addicted to it for the last few weeks.

3. RuPaul’s Drag Race 

I resisted this show for a while but then my gay husbands did a full on gasp and pearl clutch when I told them I hadn’t seen it so I added it to my Stan watch list. So good. I’ve had it on in the background while I’ve been working and it’s just hilarious. Great, no brainer entertainment. Also my favourite drag queen ever Willam Belli is in season 4 and he is a fucking riot. Love it.

4. Dr Bronner’s Peppermint Castille Soap 

You can use this soap for anything. I mean ANYTHING. When I was in Indonesia, I used it for a face cleanser, shampoo, shower gel and washing liquid to hand wash my clothes. I’m never using anything else. I bought a big bottle when I got back it’s slowly replacing everything in my house. I’ve also only tried the peppermint and I have no intention of trying any other scent. It smells DELICIOUS!

5. Roast broccoli and cauliflower 

I’ve been cooking a big tray of roast broccoli and cauliflower every few days and having it on the side of most meals. Such a delicious and warm little pocket of yum. And very re-heatable which I love, so I can batch and make it ahead.

6. My coffee jar  

I used a KeepCup for years but I was delighted when it broke recently because I didn’t like the way the coffee tasted in it. I now use a little canning jar I found at a cooking store for $3 and it’s perfect. I take it with me everywhere and I use to for coffee, tea, gelato… I even had red wine out of it at a BBQ the other day. I can’t recommend a little glass jar enough for cutting down on waste.


7. Pepper Jack Cab Sav & Shiraz

I was recently in Canberra visiting my crew and pretty much everyone bought a bottle of Pepper Jack red because they know it’s my favourite. I like most red wine (expect for Pinot Noir – honestly, it’s so weak I might as well just drink white wine) but Pepper Jack never disappoints. I used to be a straight up shiraz gal but I’ve been loving the cab sav too. A safe, delicious and hearty winter-appropriate drop.

As usual I’d love it very much if you told me a few things you’re loving this week.

What’s your new favourite beauty product? TV show? Podcast?


P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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