Very Excellent Habits

5 To Do List Apps You Should Download Immediately

Handsome big moustache hipster man in the city with notebook.

To do lists – they are the world’s favourite productivity tool. But what’s the best way to do them? I’ve tried dozens of to-do list apps and these are the ones I keep coming back to. Except for Omnifocus but I’m super tempted to try it out. The trick with to do lists is to keep switching and trying new ones.

To do lists stop working when you get bored of them so don’t let a to do list linger. Try something else and then go back to the ones you loved. It’s all about the variety.

Clear  – $8.99

I try lots of different to do list apps and Clear is my favourite and the only one I’ve never really given up on. It’s a very simple style with a main menu to store your lists like Grocery Shopping or To Pack For Weekend Away. The Clear guys have a fantastic sound designer and when you cross off an item it makes the most delightful noise. I only use Clear for to do list items that don’t need notes like for shopping or packing though, but I do use it every day and have done for years. That’s a sign of a very good app.

Any.Do – Free

Any.Do is a really beautifully designed to do list app. It has a function that reminds you to check your to-dos which I rather like, otherwise, I’d probably forget to check the list. It also suggests other apps that might help you get a task done. The user interface on this app is delightful. Lots of app designers don’t spend enough time on the user experience and these guys just nail.

Todoist -Free

This app has an excellent categorising system that is streamlined and simple. Other apps tend to overdo features like this but Todoist just gets on with it.

Things – $14.99

Things does exactly what I want a to-do app to do – and that’s give me lists that are daily, weekly and monthly.

Omnifocus – $62.95

Omnifocus is one of the first desktop organiser programs that is totally integrated with smartphones and tablets. Most other programs use third-party apps but this one is all in the same place. I would get this but my favourite calendar app Timepage is just about to add some extra features so I’ll wait around until they’ve done that first.

This week on Straight and CurlyKelly and I are talking about to do lists. It’s a really interesting episode actually because I love to do lists and Kelly doesn’t. We also share heaps of tips about different ways to use them if you haven’t yet jumped on board the to do list bandwagon.

Also if you need to tell someone you love them by 1.37 today you need to listen to this week’s Sweet Teen Club with Stacey from The Veggie Mama. It’s about Empire Records. Damn the man, save the empire. Also we totally recorded this on Rex Manning Day and we didn’t even realise. We’re just so casual like that.

Also if you’ve discovered any other amazing podcasts I’d love to hear from you – I listen to about 2 hours of podcasts a day so I always need new recommendations.

Are you a to-do list writer? Do you use an app for your lists? Or are an old school pen and paper kind of person?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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