Very Excellent Habits

What’s Your Worst Ever Shaving or Hair Removal Story?

I’m a little weird about admitting to this but I’ve based a fairly regular beauty buy upon a line from Empire Records, one of my favourite movies of all time. If you haven’t seen it it’s about a group of misfits that work at a record store. At one point in the movie they throw a fake funeral for one of the characters, Deb and she admits that she tried to ‘Kill herself with a Lady Bic. A pink plastic razor with daisies on it and a moisturising strip.’

I’m an aural learner – if I hear something it stays in my brain forever, which is why I can still sing every song on Alanis Morrisette’s Jagged Little Pill album… and the Spice Girls Spice album. It’s also why whenever I go into a supermarket to buy razors I have an inner monologue of…pink plastic razor… moisturising strip… and naturally that’s what ends up in my trolley. I hope Bic and any other company that makes cheap generic pink razors is pleased with that product placement because they’ve had one hell of a return in my personal sales alone.

Anyway this all brings me to the point that I don’t actually know what I’m looking for in a razor because I’ve been using the same cheap pink crap since I was 14 – partly from fan girl crushing on Robin Tunney and partly out of habit. All because of a random line in a random film by one of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood. I’m an advertiser’s dream. The emotional and habitual buyer.

So Schick recently sent me their Hydro Silk for review and I admit I was a little skeptical. I’ve had a long standing relationship with my disappointing pink plastic wonders. They’re like a friend that I made when I was a teenager who I don’t really like very much but keep hanging around with out of familiarity. With reluctance I gave the Hydro a whirl around my hairy bits. Sweet silky armpits, that’s a good razor. Here’s a few things I’ve noticed about the Hydro Silk.

It’s Really Big

Compared to my prissy little girl razors, this thing is a beast. One under arm swipe and I’m done. Bonza.

It Comes With a Little Suction Holder For The Shower

Genius. I didn’t realise there was a solution to the inevitable razor rust.

It Has 5 Blades. 

When I read that on the package I was like ‘Pffft! Who needs 5 blades? Is that even a thing?’. Yes. It is a thing. A very, very good thing. Silky smooth, one might say.

It’s Not The Cheapest Razor At The Supermarket

The pink plastic ones are the cheapest. And that’s why I’ve had a nightmarish scar on my ankle since 2008. Just FYI, I’ve been using the Hydro for a few weeks now and I haven’t drawn blood once. That might be because I’m brand new to the world of fancy razors but I believe not bleeding is always enjoyable.

It Has Water Activitated Moisturising Serum

Serum is my favourite beauty buzz word. It’s like elixir but you don’t drink it. And it’s water activated. I love science.

Here’s what Smaggle razor winners had to say…


Now I have to be brave here and admit that I had not shaved my legs for about 2 months before yesterday (winter long pants and opaques have allowed me to be lazy) and so the razor had a bit of a workout.  I found that the razor did a great job – blades worked together and I did not have to go over any section – blades rinsed easily – and the moisturising strip thing was great (you could actually feel it working).  The morning after is always a telling sign for me – usually my legs are quite dry but this morning they felt lovely and I can only assume that it was the moisturising strip.  I would definitely recommend this razor to others – and the suction cup holder for the razor was a great added bonus!


After a winter of significant neglect, I wondered whether the shaver could Tame my hairy legs.
It did! Hurrah! Suddenly I could see smooth skin again.
It was a revelation.
Spring here I come.


I loved it on my legs, perfect results.


Quite impressed with the moisture content, 4 shaves in and it’s stillgoing strong – better than my usual Venus. I love the suction cap instead of adhesive for hanging it up, much smarter and doesn’t take up as much room as my Venus. (converted!) Also like how it moves with the curves of your leg, it’s not fixed into position.

Tell me, what’s your worst ever shaving story? Or waxing story? Or just hair removal in general?

Massive thanks to Schick for sponsoring this review. 

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