Very Excellent Habits

Leather Jackets: How To Wear Them

I’ve always had a leather jacket on the go. I’m currently on my third one. My first was actually bought at Target for about $150 when affordable, mainstream leather became a thing about 10 years ago. I snapped it up when it went on sale and then wore it until it was falling apart. A lovely young gal bought it from me at a market for $50 and was thrilled at how well worn it was. That jacket led a great life.

My second one I bought online from Ms Selfridge about 7 years ago. Back then I had this job through PayPal for a website they had called Lustable. I had to buy things via PayPal using all kinds of different stores and shipping methods and then report back to Lustable and write content for them. I also got to keep the things I bought. It was a really great job. I still have my Miss Selfridge leather jacket and I wear it often.

This is my third leather and I bought it yesterday. Yep. Yesterday. I have literally been looking for a loose, open leather cardigan style jacket for most of my adult life. I tried to have one made in Bali and it was a disaster. I tried to settle and get a pleather one but they were all nasty.

I found this in a Salvos store in South Melbourne when I was killing time waiting for a meeting. I picked it up, saw it was my size, looked at the tag and my heart started racing as I realised it was real leather. I slipped it on and it fit perfectly. And it was $20. I think it’s the best second thing I’ve ever bought. Ever.


Leather jacket from The Salvos 

Dress from Marimekko

Tights from Big W – must replace these, the toes are full of hole and they’re driving me nuts!

Boots from Frye

How to wear a leather jacket

1. Embrace it 

Leather jackets have a reputation for being a tough gal, biker chick, rock star kind of style but I just think they’re a really classic wardrobe item. I’ve had a few people say they wish they could pull off a leather jacket but I think it’s all in the attitude. To me, leather jackets suit all styles. Classic, boho, trendy, girly. Just chuck one on over the top of pretty much anything you wear and just make it your style.

2. Go classic 

If you’re worried about leather jackets not being your style, make sure you go as simple as possible with the design. Avoid fringes, studs, extra belts and details. If that’s your look, totally go for it (I have every intention of going full Balenciaga on this leather jacket situation one day) but if you’re just starting out, go slow. I’ve seen lovely waterfall leather jackets are that are pretty much un-lined, free flowing leather cardigans (similar to this one I just bought!). Start with something like this and work your way up to the more hardcore stuff.

3. Make sure it fits well

Too big and you’ll look like Wham (which is obviously awesome but might not be the look you’re shooting for), too small and you won’t be able to move in it. The best thing to do is try them on. I bought my Ms Selfridge online and it’s great but the ones that fit the best I bought in real life.

This outfit was worn for a manic day of writing, meetings and packing for a weekend away. I’m off to the Bendigo Wool show this weekend and I’m so excited. I’ve never been before so I’m warming up my credit card to get a workout buying delicious yarn. I’m also attending a Women of Wool lunch today which sounds just delightful. I slammed through all my work early on in the week so I can just chill and enjoy my weekend away.

Do you have a leather jacket? Or are they not really your bag? 

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.
P.P.S Don’t forget Crochet Coach has a free trial offer period at the moment so make sure you sign up!

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