Very Excellent Habits

How To Truly Lead A Blissful Life


s I’m getting older I’m starting to really appreciate the things in life that make me truly happy and I’m delighted to discover that they are very simple and readily available to almost anyone who looks for them. Evenings on the couch with hot chocolate and a good TV series. Bottles of wine shared with friends over incredibly competitive card games. Walking. Talking. The exact definition of happiness is different for everyone but here are a few things that I think might help you to lead a blissful life… because everyone should.

Be aware of time

Procrastination is the devil. We spend so much time avoiding tasks we dislike that we end up spending more time wasting time than doing anything else. Just have a think about what you’re spending your time doing. Every half an hour you spend scrolling through Facebook, watching unsatisfying TV or internet stalking people you don’t like is half an hour you’ll never get back. Spend every second of your time wisely. Your time should spent doing only completely necessary things or completely lovely things. You don’t have time to do anything else.

Think how much worse things could be

It’s always a bit of a downer but sometimes I think about how much worse off I could be and it always makes me feel like a great big sook and then I naturally start to feel better. It’s okay to have feelings and it’s okay to be sad sometimes but if you need to be pulled out of your rut just focus on all the things that you have. Even basics like clean water and a roof over your head. If your country isn’t a war zone and you haven’t experienced a catastrophic natural disaster recently, you’re doing okay. Be grateful for that.


Everything. Your home, your food, your art, your experiences, your joys, your opinions and your jokes. My partner has synesthesia (he can ‘see’ music) and whenever there’s a cool tune playing he tells me what patterns he can see. I have a friend who is the pun queen and every time she puns I totally crack up because she’s a legend at it. Don’t be all stingy with your awesome stuff. Share your beauty and let others share theirs. It makes life pretty darn wonderful.

Laugh often and loudly

I once read that children laugh 300 times a day and adults only laugh 20 times a day and it made me feel really sad. I love to make people laugh so I do it whenever I can. Sometimes I’ll do a stupid dance for my partner while he’s working or I’ll send a funny text to my bestie. I also love making faces at babies, trying to make them giggle. It’s easy to be grumpy and tired but if you just try to lighten up and make another person laugh, it’s the most brilliant bliss boost. Do it as often as you can. No one will mind. I promise.

Use your eyes

I love reading and I love writing so if I’m walking around outside I tend to not notice things the way a designer or an artist might. I’m usually listening to conversations (massive eavesdropper here) or writing things in my head. I have lots of artist friends that have taught me to use my eyes more and you know what? The world is fucking gorgeous. Go for a walk, don’t take any devices with you and just look at stuff. It’s extraordinary.

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Where’s your bliss right now? Do you need some help to find it?


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P.S Also you should totally follow Smaggle on Facebook or sign up for the Smaggle weekly newsletter because there’s more stuff to help you be the star of your own life in those places.

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