Very Excellent Habits

Lady’s Loves and Loathes


Been a bit busy here in Smaggle Land but here’s a little list of lovin’ and loathin’ for this week!

Lady Loves –

* Having a whole evening in my apartment alone to blog, wash my hair, make my lunch for tomorrow and watch REALLY bad TV. 

* Rock melon with yogurt and honey.

* Going for jogs with Co-Dependent Smaggle. We used to exercise all the time in Canberra but we replaced exercise with pizza and wine when we moved to Melbourne. Bad Smaggles.

* Free magazines. I only wish I had more.

* The school for students with special needs that I taught at last week. My kids were DELIGHTFUL! And they called and gave me work this week too! Seriously. Give me some kids with autism over bitchy 15 year old girls any day. I’ve decided that being mean is a learned behaviour and that kids with special needs are just too special to learn it!

* Chilly nights with fresh sheets and piles of blankets.

* Baywatch! Roomy Smaggle and I have the first series on DVD and it’s actually really good. Not in a 90210-this-is-so-bad-it’s-AMAZING kind of good but it’s actually a really cool show. I find myself losing my breath when someone nearly drowns. Wow that’s sad. 


Lady Loathes – 

* Breaking ten saw blades in one day. Those things are EXPENSIVE!!!

* Mr Smaggle being in San Francisco. I don’t sleep well with out my bed time snuggle phone call. It’s just not the same at 5pm. 

* The fact that nits are now a threat to me again. Working with kids can be really hazardous. 

* Roomy Smaggle’s sweet tooth. There is chocolate ALL OVER MY APARTMENT!!! I’m not sure how much longer my willpower can hang on. 

* The Melbourne traffic. It took Co-Dependent Smaggle 25 MINUTES to drive 3kms this afternoon. And it wasn’t even peak hour. I just don’t understand how drivers keep their brains from exploding. I spent 15 minutes in eye sight of my house stuck in traffic the other day. It would have taken me thirty seconds to walk from where my car was jammed.

* My life being ALMOST perfect minus stability. And knowing that I won’t get stability for a really long time. And knowing that stability means more to me than it does to most people.

* Being too shy to ask someone to take my outfit shots at school. Which means I have to do them myself on a little tripod and I often don’t have the time. I’m working on it!

What are your loves and loathes of the week? Share! I feel like we haven’t spoken for ages!

Love Lady Smaggle




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