Very Excellent Habits

Lady’s loves and loathes…



Lady loves…

* Co-Dependent Smaggle joining my gym. Nothing like a workout buddy to get you motivated.

* Starting Oct-sober. I’m going to be alcohol free for the rest of the month. I can feel my arteries thanking me already.

* Vera Wang.

* Sitting in cafes with Mr Smaggle working on creative projects.

* St Kilda.

* Being recongnised. Twice in one week!

* My driving-back-to-Melbourne Friday night date with Mr Smaggle. We listened to Harry Potter audio books, stopped for a decadent Japanese dinner in Albury and ate treats the whole way back. It was blissful!

* Unpacking as soon as I got home from my trip rather than leaving it on the floor for weeks.

* The weird kid sitting across from me who is wearing headphones and playing air guitar in the middle of the library. Sometimes I get really jealous of people and their lack of self awareness.


Lady loathes…

* The rude little bitch who shoved my chair forward at a cafe yesterday while trying to get to her table. I was sitting at a vintage table underwhich modern sized thighs do not fit. When I said ‘Hang on’ what I meant was ‘Don’t push my effing chair you little brat!’. Her mother was just as hideous.

* People who talk really loudly in shops.

* Slow teachers. I’m currently at school waiting for my teacher to get me a tiny piece of silver and I can’t actually do anything until he gets it. He is currently in the cafe having a coffee. ARGH!

* Being tired. I worked for the whole of my holidays and I’m totally exhausted.

What about you muffin pie? Anything fun to share?

Love Lady Smaggle

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