Very Excellent Habits

Lady Smaggle mourns for her childhood home…

My parents have sold the Smaggle castle right out from underneath me and I have to have all my scarves, shoes, bangles and books packed away within a week. What’s a girl to do? Procrastinate like a little bitch by dressing up and frolicking in the mess of course. Here’s a little tribute to my two favourite places in the whole house….

My bedroom

I have lived in this room since I was 9 years old. The white carpet is covered with glitter and eyeliner and the walls hold the marks of impromptu Flash Dance impersonations, failed cartwheel attempts and over-heated fragrant oil explosions. The window is framed with ivy leaves and the walls are painted a dark, sultry pink. If these walls could talk… I imagine they’d say the most extraordinary things about your Lady Smaggle. She never cries in public, she looks at herself in the mirror when she talks on the phone, when she’s really happy she says it out loud even if she’s alone and she does a fabulous Phantom of the Opera… complete with cape and mask. 

The Bathroom

Can I tell you a secret? I have baths ALL THE TIME. At least three times a week. I take piles of books, fill the bath with bubbles and oils and sit in the delicious warmth until I wrinkle like a prune. This bath is incredible. It’s really long and really deep so you’re completely covered. I was terrified of this bath as a child and now I don’t quite know how I’ll live with out it. I know I sound dramatic but it’s my safety blanket. Imagine if someone took away the ocean? Or chocolate? Or romantic comedies? It’s my haven where I escape for a few hours and when I emerge the world is bright again. Keep your fingers crossed for me that one day I’ll live in a house with a perfect bath again. 

And my boxes still aren’t packed…

Love Lady Smaggle





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