Very Excellent Habits

Lady Smaggle guilty of Google smut.

Remember how upset I was a few days ago when I discovered all the fanny addicts out there who have been Googling their filth and stumbling upon Smaggle? Well my friends here's a list of some other choice phrases that will apparently lead you to the land of Smaggle...

Remember how upset I was a few days ago when I discovered all the fanny addicts out there who have been Googling their filth and stumbling upon Smaggle? Well my friends here’s a list of some other choice phrases that will apparently lead you to the land of Smaggle…

Crush on tim curry why? – Um… Because he is awesome and talented. And preternaturally beautiful.

Big Ass 2008 – So big asses in 2007 just weren’t doing it for you?

Katie Price in stockings – We don’t like Katie Price. Please don’t Google her again.

Tampons with applicators in Australia – Good luck sweetie. We use normal tampons here thank you very much.

Doosh long cardigan – It’s douche. And it’s not a good idea to use a long cardigan for that sort of thing. Or a short one.

Scene where samantha is fat in sex in t – This scene doesn’t exist.

lady seduce boy – Why? What have you heard about me?

Can’t find spot for tampon – I can’t help you. Actually I don’t want to help you. Please go away.

Anne Hathaway Nipples –Anne Hathaway. Shmeh. It’s nothing personal she is just really boring. I imagine that her nipples are too.

Wee little bum – What exactly were you hoping to come across searching for this?

I clearly have to brush up on my language… and stop using the word ‘fanny’. Shit. I just did it again. I’m insatiable.

Love Lady Smaggle



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