Very Excellent Habits

Lady loves and loathes…

pink happy


Lady loves…

* Writing lists. 

* Working in new places. 

* Making fruit and nut summer slice for Mr Smaggle.

* Summer picnics on warm nights, drinking cider and playing board games. 

* Planning body maintenance weeks of juice drinking, exfoliating, moisturising and exercising. 

* The end of year wind down… manic days trying to get everything done while constantly sabotaging yourself by regularly dropping everything to lay in front of a fan, drinking iced water and reading bad novels. 

* Living with Roomy Smaggle. She is dynamite. 

Lady loathes…

* The weather. I cannot function. Too. Hot. Hence the lame blogging week. 

* Not announcing my competition winners from last week! Bad Smaggle! Coming soon… I promise!

* Tiger Woods being in Melbourne and everyone driving really slowly in front of me all week to see him. Who cares? Golf sucks. 

What about you little one?

Love Lady Smaggle


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