Very Excellent Habits

5 Simple Steps To Keeping Your Bathroom Clean

Minimalist bathroom with elegant bathtub, vertical heater and plant - 3D Rendering


asked on Facebook a few weeks ago what everyone’s biggest struggles were and someone said keeping their biggest struggle was keeping their bathroom clean. I totally get that. Bathrooms can get really gross, really quickly particularly if you’re sharing them with lots of people.

I also struggle a lot with keeping my bathroom tidy when I’m in a rush in the morning. If I’ve got 15 minutes to get the train station and I’m running late, I’m not giving many shits about leaving my dry shampoo on the counter top. After years of trial error, I’ve come up with a system that will totally help you to keep your bathroom tidy.

1. Use the box method

I developed a system a few years ago that has totally saved my bathroom sanity. I have small boxes divided into categories like Hair, Nails, Skin Care and Make Up with the corresponding products stored in those boxes. When I’m doing my hair, I grab the hair box from my shelf, use the products I need, throw everything back in the box when I’m done and pop it back on the shelf. It halves my time in looking for products because they’re always in the box and I never end up with a counter covered in eye shadows because I don’t have time to pack everything away. It’s an excellent system and one that works with pretty much any kind of bathroom. I have a long, thin CD style shelf with square boxes that fit perfectly in the gaps. Seriously, try this system. It’s a bathroom game changer.

2. Throw away anything you don’t use

If you bought a $90 eye shadow palette in 2002 and you’ve never used it, you need to get rid of it. Keeping it won’t make it increase in value or magically become a good purchase. The same logic applies to face creams that give you a rash and that expensive shampoo that smells gross. Just get rid of it. Most people only use a very small percentage of the products they own and the rest just sit there cluttering everything up. Ditch all your excess products and it will dramatically increase the overall cleanliness of your bathroom.

3. Install extras

Towel racks, hair dryer holders, shower caddies – anything that will keep you organised. Most bathrooms come with tiny towel racks with only two rungs which is impractical for almost every living situation so don’t hesitate to install more racks for towels and hooks for bathrobes. You need to have designated spaces to store all of your bathroom items, not only for towels but things like hair dryers and styling tools you use regularly. If you don’t have a hair dryer holder, it’s just going to bang around inside your cupboard cluttering things up and annoying you. Have spaces ear marked for particular items and always put them back in those spaces.

4. Do a 15 minute clean once a week

And once a month, do a thorough clean of the shower screen and floors. Better yet, if you can afford a cleaner, do that. They can come in once a fortnight or once a month for a big clean and you can give the toilet a quick scrub once a week for maintenance. Easy.

5. Keep your laundry basket in the bathroom

That way when you take off your dirty clothes, you can pop them straight in the basket rather than have them take up space on the floor or hanging from towel racks. Another trick is to have a designated spot to put clothes that you’re going to wear again. I have a divider in my underwear drawer where I put my ‘current’ bra. I wear a bra for about two to three days and it needs a spot to live when I’m not wearing it at night so I have that area in my drawer so I don’t constantly have a bra hanging off my bathroom doorknob.

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Do you struggle to keep your bathroom spotless? Or are you a bit of a neat freak? Any bathroom cleanliness tips you can share?


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P.S If you’re a blogger from Adelaide, and you’re stuck in your blogging journey I’d love to help you! 

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