Very Excellent Habits

It’s My Birthday



ood morning! What a marvellously splendid day it is. Well I think so because today is my birthday. I don’t usually announce my birthdays on the blog because… I actually don’t know why. To me it feels a bit despo you know? I’m like ‘Hey I was born on this day ages ago which means I get extra love and attention!’. It’s a bit weird. This year I wanted to mention it because I thought it would be a good opportunity to set some challenges for the Smaggle crew and I know how much you guys love a challenge!

I always use my birthday as a fresh start of sorts because it’s a few months before Christmas and it’s a good time to look at some areas in my life that need some attention.

Here are a few things I’m going to do before Christmas

1. Octsober

Most years I go a few months without drinking alcohol and I’ve been majorly slack this year and haven’t got around to it. I’m not drinking in October this year just to give myself a bit of a break – want to join me? I could do a proper challenge if people want to jump on board?

2. Develop a better multi-tiered to do list system

I have about a billion jobs, employers and employees and keeping my head straight on what I’m supposed to be doing every day is getting very difficult. I’m going to spend an afternoon figuring out a fool proof system. Watch this space.

3. Go treat free for a month

I’ll never go totally sugar free and I don’t have treats that often but I’ve been finding myself saying yes to little pieces of chocolate and desserts way more often than I used to. Which is totally fine, I just need to get back on track with making sure that treats are treats and not an every day thing.

On that note I’m off to have a lovely working morning, gym session and lunch with my lovely friend, then dinner, wine and cards with my crew. Perfection. Happy birthday indeed.

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What do you do on your birthday? Make wishes? Set goals? Get blotto?


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