Very Excellent Habits

India Day 5- Organic Farming and The True Beauty of India.

On day 5 we visited an organic farming community near Balispur. Went I was first told we were going to a farming community I was like why? What’s that got to do with poverty? I’m so naive it’s ridiculous. It turns out that many people live in city slums because they had to leave their farming villages because of failed crops. Basically they run out of money and have to pack up and leave their beautiful villages. It’s so sad because city slums are just not fit for anyone to live in and their villages are beautiful. Clean and fresh and full of healthy and lively people. The Area Development Project working here is teaching the villagers about sustainable farming and making their own fertilizers and pesticides so they don’t have to spend money at all and can be a fully self contained unit.

They gave us flowers when we arrived and I asked if I could put them in my hair. They laughed and said that’s fine. Misho did some lovely floral arrangements in my leopard headscarf.

Joy got excited about the earth worms. She did a little earth worm happy dance and vowed to start a worm farm on her balcony in Melbourne.

The women would cut the crops and carry them on their heads. So beautiful.

I love the boys here. I’m obsessed. I just keep snapping groups of boys all the time. They’re just so cheeky here.

The houses here are gorgeous. The most amazing colours. This village had pink, yellow and blue. Gorgeous.

Another boy. Seriously Smags… stop it. It’s getting creepy now.

I just love the colours here. Everything compliments everything. It’s so easy to take amazing photos in India.

The beautiful welcome tent. We reckon someone needs to import these for weddings. They’d make a motza!

The wonderful organic farmers club. They took us to their meeting room and proudly showed us their produce.

Eden said I looked like Delta Goodrem at the Melbourne Cup. I almost smacked her one.

Day 5 was amazing. Really uplifting and it was wonderful to see World Vision working to keep people in their homes and give them solutions for a sustainable living situation. I’ll admit I was skeptical about the sponsorship program before I went on this trip. I was all ‘Yeah, but how much money actually goes to the kids?‘. Truthfully? None of it. Not one cent. The money is used to implement programs and training to teach the communities to sustainably fix their issues. People get all jiggity about World Vision and their administration cost but I can assure you that in India, where they get little to no government assistance, there is no money wasted on administration. The offices here are extremely basic and the employees work like demons for no extra pay or penalties. It’s extraordinary. I haven’t pimped the sponsor page much on my trip but I’m going to now.

It’s because it’s freaking important and makes a HUGE difference. 

This was the project that really inspired me to sponsor a child. Anything to keep them out of urban slums. It’s so worth it. It’s all about prevention.

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