Very Excellent Habits

3 Things I’m Seriously in Love With Right Now

You guys know the drill – if you love these posts, I need to hear your favourites too! As usual these posts are totally unsponsored and always will be. They’re just a wee little list of things I’ve been loving recently. Because I’m one of those people who is like ‘I found a cool thing! You should also know about this cool thing! Do/buy/eat it immediately!’. I also love getting recommendations from other people, especially my readers. I feel like you guys know me so well. Every time a reader tags me in something on social media saying they thought of me, it’s always so on point that I just want to give them a virtual fist bump. Here are a few things have really tickled my fancy lately.

Hunt For The Wilderpeople

I was a little bit late to the game on this but if you haven’t watched this movie you simply must. It’s a delight from start to finish. It’s beautifully shot, brilliantly cast and it gives all kinds of warm fuzzies that last for days. The character Ricky is beyond gorgeous.

‘That’s Tupac. He’s a rapper but he’s also my best friend.’

I can’t really say much else about it because when films are that amazing you don’t really have anything to add. Next movie night, have this one at the top of your list.

Chobani Dips

These are a game changer. I love sitting down with my mates for an afternoon chat on a weekend afternoon and you want a little something to nibble on but cheese, crackers and chips are not exactly the most healthy choices around. I used to make my own dips for veggie sticks out of yogurt but Chobani are geniuses and have created ready-made dips with their yogurt. I’ve been crushing on Chobani for years and now the love affair continues. They’re much lower in calories and fat than pretty much all the other dips so you don’t have to be counting every scoop you eat.

Going alcohol free

I haven’t had an alcoholic beverage since New Year’s Eve and won’t until April this year. I usually do alcohol-free months a few times a year but this is my first three-month stint. It’s so good. Disappointingly effective. I’m so much clearer and more productive. It’s been a bit tough because it’s such a party time of year but I’ve remained strong and taken my bottles of fancy mineral water everywhere I’ve gone. If you’ve never gone a month or two without alcohol, I highly recommend it, particularly if you have some big health or career goals you’re trying to reach. I absolutely love wine but I don’t think it needs to be a weekly thing for me. I’m just resetting my drinking habits with this abstinence period and so far? It’s awesome.

What things are you loving right now? Name your top three things you’re obsessed with?

P.S Also you should totally sign up for my newsletter. It’s full of cool stuff.

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