Very Excellent Habits

How Was Your 2015?


t the end of every year there are always lots of people who are keen to see the back of it. I’ve been pretty blessed for the last few years to not be in that group and there’s no way I’m taking that for granted. I had a great 2014 and 2015 was even better. It wasn’t smooth sailing the whole time though. The beginning of the year was a touch rocky – Mr Smags has been a bit unwell with his sinuses and is awaiting surgery next year so that’s been a bit shit. That’s what you get for falling in love with a man who has a fabulous (read: rather sizable) nose. Once again, I didn’t quite manage to book any non-work related travel or holidays but we’re heading to the states in February 2016 so that will more than make up for it.

The rest of the year was bloody fantastic though. I travelled to Bali in April with some business blogging buddies and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to spend the week with like-minded, awesome ladies working on our businesses. Totally game changer.

I started renting office space in Windsor so I’m not running my business from the couch anymore and I have a proper desk and chair and everything. I’m such a grown up. I’ve actually been loving my daily commute. I catch the train, get a take away coffee and listen to podcasts. It’s awesome.

I celebrated another year (9 in total) with my glorious man. We’ll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary next year. 10 god damn years. It feels like 5 minutes and 100 years all at the same time. I think I’ll keep him around forever. He’s swell. He’s also always behind the camera and I’m pretty sure that sneaky monkey managed to make it through the whole year without anyone taking a photo of him. So here’s a photo he took of me instead.

In true granny fashion I’ve gone totally bonkers for crocheting this year. My hobby used to be blogging and I’d spend my nights in front of the TV scheduling posts and editing photos. As blogging is now my job I needed something else to do to unwind at the end of the day because I’m physically incapable of sitting still. I come from a long line of knitters and for some reason I could never pick it up. So I gave crocheting a go this year and it just speaks to me! I’ve gone totally cray cray for it.  I’m currently working on a wedding blanket (similar to the one above!) for my bestie’s wedding present. I’ve only got until 10th January to finish it. Wish me luck!

Probably the biggest and weirdest thing to happen this year is starting a business Little Blog Big with my girl Hair Romance. We randomly decided in April that we wanted to run a blogging workshop and by the end of the year we’d run seven workshops all around Australia and presented together at the Problogger Conference. It was pretty epic. It was intensely hard work but so much fun. Stay tuned for 2016.

Coming early in 2016 are two podcasts I’ve been working on – One is with my partner in productivity Kelly Exeter of A Life Less Frantic and it’s about being self improvement junkies. The other is with Stacey Roberts of Veggie Mama and it’s about Sweet Valley High books. I’ve recorded half a season of each and I’m loving it. Get ready kids, Smags is about to get all up in your ears.

2015 Thank Yous 

– To my very excellent 2015 clients. Woolworths, Bupa, VEDA, Southern Comfort, MeBank, VIC Super, Evocca College, Origin, Women’s Money Toolkit, Maybelline and StarTrack Orias. I’m so privileged to be able to choose clients that align so brilliantly with Smaggle. I love youse guys. Tear!

– My wonderful agents at The Remarkables Group who are amazing people who put up with all of my questions.

– To my blog tribe – you guys know who you are. I couldn’t literally not function without you – you guys are my safety net. Also to my non-blog tribe, my ‘real life’ friends thank you for being awesome and understanding my weird life. You guys are my rocks.

– To Mr Smags for being my super excellent partner in crime and life. You’re a bit of all right.

– To my ridiculously awesome amazing readers who write the most beautiful comments. You guys are such a crazy bunch of cats – I honestly would have quit blogging ages ago if you guys weren’t such cheeky little armadillos! *GIANT INTERNET GROUP HUG SQUEEZE MONSTER*

I’m keeping things slow and easy between Christmas and New Year and I’ll be back in the full swing of things in early January. Take of yourself and each other – peace out mofos.

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How was your year? Are you happy to say good riddance to 2015? Or are you celebrating a bonza year?


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