Very Excellent Habits

How Was Your 2014?

At the end of every year there’s always lots of people who are keen to see the back of it. I’ve been pretty blessed for the last 2 years to not be in that group and there’s no way I’m taking that for granted. I had a great 2013 and an even better 2014. It wasn’t smooth sailing the whole time though. I said farewell to my beautiful Poppy who left us in July this year and it’s made my family a bit empty and sad. I was basically a walking pile of snot for the whole of August and I’m a teeny bit disappointed that I didn’t get around to planning a proper holiday this year and only really travelled for work.

The rest of the year was bloody fantastic though. I travelled to Singapore, Bali and Queensland through blogging partnerships which was totally rad. Mr Smaggle and I started renting our own office which means I’m not running my business from the couch anymore and I have a proper desk chair and everything. I learned to play cards properly this year – mainly 500 and Yanif but I feel like it’s a good life skill. I become a 5:2 diet enthusiast and I’ve finished the year 5 kilos lighter than when I started it – bonza! I also celebrated another year (8 in total) with my glorious man. The universe has been treating me well.

The most important thing I did this year though was run two fundraising campaigns for Waratah Special Developmental School. With the Silly Things For A Bus Project and The F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Trivia night we raised $6155 in total for a new bus for the school. I’m beyond delighted and I want to thank each and every person who donated, supported and shared my campaigns. I’m so stoked and it’s been such a big help for the school. THANK YOU!!!!

And because gratitude is awesome here are a few other major thank yous for 2014…

Thank you!

– To my very excellent 2014 clients. Woolworths (who I’ve just signed with for another year!), TACPraiseChicago PDSunriceVirtusProblem Gambling NSWAustralia PostCarefreeBali Bliss RetreatsPorter DavisOrigin and Summer Fire Safety – I’m so privileged to be able to choose clients that align so brilliantly with Smaggle.

– My wonderful agents at The Remarkables Group who are amazing people who put up with all of my questions.

– To my blog tribe. I could not function without you guys.

– To Mr Smags for being my super excellent partner in crime and life.

– To my ridiculously awesome amazing readers who write the most beautiful comments. You guys are such a crazy bunch of cats – I honestly would have quit blogging ages ago if you guys weren’t such cheeky little armadillos! *GIANT INTERNET GROUP HUG SQUEEZE MONSTER*

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How was your year? Are you happy to say good riddance to 2014? Or are you celebrating a bonza year?


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Oh and don’t forget to follow Smaggle in these places –  FacebookTwitterBloglovinInstagram and the Smaggle weekly newsletter – so you don’t miss out on new posts.

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